U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Public Affairs - Publications Division

This sub-section is home to the Navigator. The most current issues will have their own live links that will take you directly to the content, whereas the arched content will be stored in chronological order on a page with other editions.
These publications are (Adobe) PDF files and you may download them to your computers. If you have trouble viewing any of these files, please ensure that your Adobe Reader is up to date with the most current version.
The Navigator publication has provided two types of digital formats for our readers. All publications are formatted as a PDF file. For a better appearing visual click on Flip HTML at the end of each publication title.

Navigator Digital Publication
Navigator 2022 Annual - The Auxiliary's Response to Hurricane Ian - Flip HTML
Navigator 2021 Annual - The Impact of 9/11 on The Auxiliary 20 Years Later - Flip HTML
Navigator 2020 Annual - USCG Auxiliary, Always Ready For The Call - Flip HTML
Navigator 2019 Annual - Aye! Coast Guard, We Are for You! - Flip HTML
Navigator 2018 Annual - Celebrating America, Serving America - Flip HTML
Navigator 2017 Annual - Hurricanes 2017: Auxiliarists Respond
Navigator 2016 Annual - The Coast Guard Auxiliary National Bridge
Navigator 2015 Annual - The Frigid February Sky
Navigator 2014 Annual - 75th Anniversary of the USCGA
Navigator 2013 Annual - 1000th Individual Training Hoist in Santa Monica Bay, CA
Navigator 2012 Annual - Auxiliarists guarding Space Shuttle Enterprise
Navigator 2011
Fall 2010 - Helping a scout learn an intricate knot
Summer 2010 - n/a
Spring 2010 - Auxiliarists assisted the crew of the USCGC Sturgeon Bay
Winter 2009/2010 - Auxiliarist help secure the USCGC Ibis against winter storm
Navigator 2009
Fall 2009 - Aux at Sentinel Island practicing SAR
Summer 2009 - Western Rivers' annual SAR competition
Spring 2009 - Coast Guard's damage control trainer boat
Winter 2008/2009, Volume 35, No 4 - Uncle Sam salutes Division 10, Phoenix, AZ
Navigator 2008
Fall 2008, Volume 35, No 3 - Bataan Death March, AFRAS Awards, NACON Report
Summer 2008, Volume 35, No 2 - Inside the WTC
Spring 2008, Volume 35, No 1 - Bathing Beauty?
Winter 2007/2008, Volume 34, No 4 - Art Smart
Navigator 2007
Fall 2007, Volume 34, No. 3 - Thunderbirds in Formation
Summer 2007, Volume 34, No. 2 - The Art of 'War'
Spring 2007, Volume 34, No. 1 - Puget Sound 'Ghost' Ship?
Winter 2006/2007, Volume 33, No. 4 - U.S. and Canada Compete
Navigator 2006
Fall 2006, Volume 33, No. 3 - Auxiliary Helps USCG Track Oil Spill
Summer 2006, Volume 33, No. 2 - Auxiliarists in Alaska
Spring 2006, Volume 33, No. 1 - America's Waterway Watch in Action!
Winter 2005/2006, Volume 32, No. 4 - Auxiliarists Give History a Vessel Safety Check
Navigator 2005
Fall 2005, Volume 32, No. 3 - Auxiliarists Respond to Katrina Catastrophe
Summer 2005, Volume 32, No. 2 - Staying Vigilant
Spring 2005, Volume 32, No. 1 - Excellence Honored
Winter 2004/2005, Volume 31, No. 4 - Delivering the Message
Navigator 2004
Fall 2004, Volume 31, No. 3 - Safer Up There
Summer 2004, Volume 31, No. 2 - Cooking on the River
Spring 2004, Volume 31, No. 1 - Mission Impossible?
Navigator 2003
Fall 2003, Volume 30, No. 3 - Answering the Call on a Hard Days Night
Summer 2003, Volume 30, No. 2 - Humble Hero
Spring 2003, Volume 30, No. 1 - It's About Saving Lives. Any Life

Send us your articles and photos!
Navigator is the annual national printed magazine that publishes stories of interest to a broad readership of Auxiliary members, military personnel, and government officials, including members of Congress.It is a mix of new content and the most interesting stories from around the Auxiliary during the past calendar year. We aspire to give our members the sense that they are part of one national unit, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and are inspired by success to take action in their local units. For the public, we seek to tell our story so that they understand that we are Semper Paratus and why we are valued members of Team Coast Guard. We welcome and appreciate fresh, exciting, educational, and inspirational articles of national interest about the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.
We encourage our talented Auxiliarist-writers to submit their best articles. We depend on articles from all Auxiliary levels, from the flotilla to district, to tell our story. Just as Public Affairs is the responsibility of every Auxiliarist, finding and sharing quality stories and photos are too. So, let's “Tell it all and Tell it now”!
The ABCs of Auxiliary Publications is accuracy, brevity, and clarity. The ideal length for a story intended for publication in Navigator is 750 to 1000 words, or equal to a page and a half to two pages.
Great photographs give your stories a visual impact. Please include three to five quality unedited photos (preferably in .jpeg or .png format) with your story submissions. Also be sure to include a caption with each photo describing what is taking place, along with the names of each person in the photo, and the name of the photographer. Please include the proper rank of any active duty personnel and the office of any Auxiliarists when it is relevant to the story.