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Flotilla History Collection


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Welcome to the Auxiliary Flotilla history link page. We will be happy to post a link to the history page of your Flotilla's website.

Researching your history:

Advisory: For those units engaged in researching their flotilla/division histories, the history program only keeps reference files on Auxiliary history, mostly on major national events.   Be advised that if you have a charter date of 1959, that this is the year Coast Guard files were computerized, so you may have a much older unit.  Otherwise in researching your histories, the following is recommended: 


  1. Contact your District Historian to determine what information he/she holds;
  2. Interview longtime current and past flotilla members and collect, documents for donation to theoldauxsail Auxiliary national records collection and artifacts that will be incorporated into the Coast Guard collection-see tabs regarding these topics on this site; collected items must be shipped through your District Historian;
  3. Contact your local newspaper archives to search for articles on the Auxiliary;
  4. Contact your local historical society for same;
  5. Many Auxiliary units were originally formed from yacht club memberships; contact local yacht clubs to see if they hold Auxiliary documents and/or photographs.
We are currently updating this page.  Please be patient.