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Welcome to the Flotilla 1-3, District 17 Web Site

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Safety First 

  What is the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary?

The Auxiliary is a volunteer service organization, composed of men and women who actively support maritime safety and security missions, as well as providing administrative and support services. The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary was established by Congress in 1939, and is currently expanding its role within Coast Guard Forces. The Auxiliary is authorized to perform all missions that Congress has authorized the Coast Guard to perform, with the exception of direct law enforcement and military action.

 Are you looking for adventure while serving your country and your community?

If you are looking for some adventure in your life, consider joining the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Wherever your interests lie, and whatever life skills you have, chances are that the Coast Guard Auxiliary can offer you an area to serve that will enrich your life in ways you may not have imagined.

 The Auxiliary offers you a unique opportunity to make a real difference in your local community and across the country.

We welcome and recognize your experience, skills and talent. We challenge you to have fun learning new skills and qualifications in company with a very special group of volunteers. The Coast Guard Auxiliary offers a number of opportunities, but the tasks can generally be divided into three service areas:

 Recreational Boating Safety

One of the Auxiliary’s primary missions is recreational boating safety. This mission is accomplished by qualified members delivering Public Safety Boating Education training and classes, by providing voluntary vessel safety checks to boaters, by visiting with and educating local marine related industries, and by general outreach to the boating public through boat shows and other public venues and events

 Operations and Marine Safety

 For those interested in boating, the Auxiliary offers a rigorous level of hands-on training and qualification as boat-crew and coxswain. Qualified Auxiliarists perform regular safety patrol missions in their local area and support local boating activities on-the-water such as regattas, fireworks & fleet visits. In addition, the Auxiliary works side-by-side with their active-duty USCG counterparts in many other mission areas, including environmental protection, Commercial Vessel Safety Inspections, Port Security and Planning, Licensing and Documentation, and other vital operational roles. Auxiliarists receive training virtually identical to that of their active duty and reserve counterparts.

 Mission Support

 The Auxiliary needs people with leadership, administrative and technical skills (such as website design, computer server administration, graphic design, photography, videography, communications, public relations/public affairs, instruction and instructional design, and personnel services) to support those Auxiliarists involved in the recreational boating safety and operations & marine safety missions.

  Interested? Contact us. We would love to get you on board!