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Welcome to the Flotilla 6-2, District 13 Web Site

 Station Cape Disappointment

Station Cape Disappointment, Ilwaco, WA

FLOTILLA 62 serving as a proud Flotilla of the Sixth Division of the Thirteenth District since its formation in 1999, the volunteers are proud to be a part of TEAM COAST GUARD.         

Part of our duties is to be prepared to provide mission support for the U.S. Coast Guard. There are numerous opportunities.  See the What's New Page for new projects and needs.

Our members strive to carry out the commitments they take an obligation to serve and support. As a united team, Flotilla members can accomplish unbelievable feats and nothing should stop their progress. We want to develop relationships within our communities and let people know we are paying attention to them. We prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally from the time we enter into the Flotilla. We are a proud organization of distinguished volunteers with the ultimate goal that all boaters will “Boat Responsibly”.

So, how does the U. S. Coast Guard do so much with so little? The answer is people.

*   History of Cape Disappointment