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Visit Flotilla 5-9

Come to a meeting and check us out!!! Semper Paratus

Flotilla 59 is one of the six flotillas located in Division 5, which is part of District 13.  As an inland flotilla we have several lakes and rivers covering Josephine, Jackson and Klamath County. Our Flotilla 5-9 members are from all three counties and are active in many Auxiliary mission areas including Public Education, Vessel Examination, Program Visitation, Surface Operations, Telecommunications and supporting our Active Duty shipmates as requested.

Membership Inquires:

Would you like more information about the Coast Guard Auxiliary???
Are you interested in becoming a member???

Contact the Vice Flotilla Commander listed below.

Mark S. Herrett C: (541) 841-2142


Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 1800 hours (6:00pm) at Rogue Community College, Redwood Hwy Campus, Bldg. H, Grants Pass, OR 97527
Building H address map below...

Costs - Dues:

Dues are $60 annually. Full year dues are collected upon submission of enrollment and second year dues are adjusted to represent the first partial year.

Cost - Uniforms:

Members typically start with one or both of our basic uniforms based on mission interest. Many of our missions require the appropriate uniform.

  • A complete Tropical Blue uniform including dress shoes ($60) costs around $175
  • A complete Operational Dress Uniform including boots ($60) costs around $145

These costs do not include outerwear. 

Uniforms of the Day 

In many cases uniform costs are substantially reduced:

  • We have some used items shared on an as-needed basis.
  • Some uniform items can be found at surplus shops.