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If it is determined that an entered Record of Unit Meeting, ANSC-7017, needs to be amended or deleted, please contact DSO-CS Dan Kienle at
For general questions about how to use this form you can also contact DSO-SR Neil Christenson at
This form is to be completed by the Flotilla/Division Staff Officer-Secretary/Records after each unit meeting, and serves as a record of each unit business meeting held. Should additional space be required, use reverse side of form.
UNIT NUMBER BLOCK - This is automatically filled in with your Unit ID, if needed, you may change to match the unit identification number of the unit reporting the meeting.
MEMBER PRESENT BLOCK - Enter the total number of Basically Qualified plus AUXOP members who attend the meeting.
DATE OF MEETING BLOCKS - Select month, day, year and official time the meeting was brought to order.
MEETING LOCATION BLOCK - Enter the location where the meeting was held.
TYPE MEETING - Indicate whether the meeting was a regular or special business meeting. Choose one button.
UNIT OFFICERS PRESENT BLOCK - Enter the abbreviated office code and the last name of all officers attending the meeting. Abbreviated office codes are listed on the back of the form and in the Auxiliary Manual, COMDTJNST M16790.1.
GUESTS PRESENT BLOCK - Enter the names, and if applicable, the functional titles of any guests attending the meeting. Print all data.
CONDENSED VERSION OF REPORTS AND MOTIONS VOTED ON BLOCK - The Staff Officer-Secretary/Records is to enter, as the block title implies, a condensed version of all reports presented and motions voted on at the meeting. Keep all entries brief and to the point.
UNIT TRAINING TOPICS PRESENTED BLOCK - Any presentations concerning unit training that were brought up at the meeting are to be entered in this block. Keep explanations or descriptions brief and to the point.
REMARKS BLOCK - Should any special items of interest be brought up at the meeting, such as special events, future plans, awards presentations, etc., enter a brief statement for each item. Keep statements brief and to the point.
NEXT BUSINESS MEETING BLOCKS - Select the official time, month, day and year of the next meeting.
SUBMIT THIS FORM - After ensuring the accuracy of the report, click on the "Submit This Form" button.