Welcome to the District 13 Web Site

Welcome! We are the Thirteenth District of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. This is one of the largest districts, in geographical area, covering four states in the Pacific Northwest: Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho. There are over 4,400 miles of shoreline from the mighty Pacific to lakes and navigable rivers. Our district is comprised of two sectors: Sector Puget Sound, Sector Columbia River.
Our responsibility to the U.S. Coast Guard, our Marine partners, and the boating public is that we carry out our number one job: Recreational Boating Safety (RBS)! Semper Paratus!
District Commodore: COMO Klaas Nijhuis ~ District Chief of Staff: Mark Hannibal
D-TRAIN TEASER (click below to play)
OPEN HOUSE at ANT ASTORIA on 30 JAN, 1000hrs. ODUs.
New Operations Plan
February District 13 & 17 D-TRAIN in Tukwila, WA
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is requesting
assistance and participation in a joint venture with the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Click the FEMA GDA link for a sign-up form and additional details about this Geospatial Damage Assessment project.
The Emergency Management & Disaster Response Directorate (Q) will be the single point of contact for this project with CG-Office of Emergency Management and FEMA personnel.
All requests for information regarding this project should be directed to Mr. Dan Jacquish, Q Special Projects - Division Chief, at [email protected]
Celebrating Member Achievements: January 2025 New Members who achieved BQ Status in 30 days or less:
Joie C. Flotilla 11
Donald A. Flotilla 11-4
Matthew V. Flotilla 24
Dustan M. Flotilla 18
Jeffrey G. Flotilla 33
New AuxOP Members:
Dana M. Flotilla 45
Members who gained New Qualifications:
Maury C. Flotilla 25 PA1
Donald H. Flotilla 87 ICS 100/700
Stephen H. Flotilla 62 OCS 400
Auxiliarist of the Month
Penny J. Flotilla 47
Our Mission is Recreational Boating Safety!
Free Vessel Safety Check | Boating Safety Courses
Life Jacket Info | Aids to Navigation