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District Help Wanted

Contact Information: Robert Megel, D13 DSO-FS

The Auxiliary Food Service (AUXFS) program was established to allow specially trained Auxiliarists to relieve and/or assist Coast Guard Food Service Specialists (FSs) at shore stations, cutters, VIP events, etc. The program needs Auxiliarists who are willing to go the extra mile and make a difference.
The AUXFS certification process begins with 30 hours of basic food services training emphasizing food safety, sanitation, and basic food preparation. Classes are usually held at a shore side Coast Guard galley and taught by a certified AUXFS Instructors and/or CG Culinary Specialists. Following the initial training, the candidate has one year to accomplish the required Performance Qualification Standards (PQSs) and gain AUXFS certification.

If you have an interest in cooking as well as a desire to support the Active Duty Coast Guard, please give the AUXFS program some consideration.