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Welcome to the Flotilla 12-7, District 11SR Web Site

Ready For Water

Welcome to the homepage of the Marina Del Rey Flotilla of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.  Flotilla 12-07 was formed as a flotilla in Marina Del Rey in January of 1974. Many of our members are expert sailors, as well as power boaters, and even those without a vessel. Thus, we are a very diverse flotilla.

We train our members for on-the-water missions, as well as vessel examinations, and, our specialty, public education. Many of our members have come to our flotilla after taking our public education classes. One student who became an auxiliarist in our flotilla went on to become a member of the Coast Guard's Interpreter Corps. Another climbed the education ladder to qualify as an instructor to teach leadership and management for the active duty Coast Guard.

We are part of Division 12 which has a total of four flotillas in the immediate geographic area. We often work together to train crew and coxswains for our boating program.

Our meetings hare held at Del Rey Yacht Club, 13900 Palawan Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292. For the schedule and more information about the Marina Del Rey Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla, please use the menu to the left. If you are a current member, some functionality is only available when you log in.