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Welcome to the Flotilla 6-1, District 11SR Web Site

Flotilla 6-1

Join us for our next Flotilla Meeting! Check this link. 

Flotilla 6-1 Recognized by City of Newport Beach for work on new harbor map dedicated to safety! 

Check the Boating Courses link to the left to find the next boating safety course in your area! Flotilla 6-1 boating safety courses are ongoing, so sign up now!

See more about our Flotilla and learn about our Boating Safety classes, click here!

About The Auxiliary
The U.S.Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed, all-volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard.  The Auxiliary was created by an Act of Congress in 1939, and has grown to over 32,000 members who daily support the Coast Guard in all its non-military and non-law-enforcement missions.  We have members and units in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands, American Samoa and Guam.

Auxiliary members conduct safety patrols on local waterways, assist in Search and Rescue, teach boating safety classes, conduct free vessel safety checks for the public, provide boating safety literature to dealers, as well as many other activities related to recreational boating safety. 

The Coast Guard considers the Auxiliary its primary resource for recreational boating safety outreach and prevention and each Coast Guard district around the nation has established a senior officer and staff to provide tight liaison and coordination between the active-duty Coast Guard and the various Auxiliary units in that district. 

The Auxiliary operates in Safety and Security Patrols, Search and Rescue, Mass Casualty or Disaster events, Pollution Response and Patrols, Homeland Security missions, Recreational Boating Safety education and safety, Commercial Fishing and Vessel Exams, Platforms for Boarding Parties, and Recruiting for service in the U.S. Coast Guard. 

In addition to the above, the U.S.Coast Guard Auxiliary operates in any mission as directed by the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard or Secretary of Homeland Security. In many inland portions of the country, where the majority of U.S. recreational boating occurs on lakes and rivers, the Auxiliary is the sole Coast Guard presence! There are nearly two dozen "qualifications" open to Auxiliarists willing to put in the time and training. Collectively, Auxiliarists volunteer over 4.5 million hours per year and complete nearly 500,000 missions – a true force multiplier for the Coast Guard!

Our Mission 
To promote and improve Recreational Boating Safety, To provide trained crews and facilities to augment the Coast Guard and enhance safety and security of our ports, waterways and coastal regions. To support Coast Guard operational, administrative and logistical requirements.


Membership in the Auxiliary is open to persons 17 years of age and older. We are organized into 16 districts nationwide, comprised of 171 Divisions with approximately 980 Flotillas. No matter where you live, there is a Flotilla near you. There are 8 Flotillas in Orange County alone! For more information about joining the Auxiliary, click the link to the left, "About Flotilla 6-1" and contact any of the staff listed there.


"Semper Paratus"
Always Ready



Approved Flotilla Site