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Welcome to the Flotilla 4-9, District 11SR Web Site

District 11 South, Division 4, Flotilla 9


Celebrating our 60th year serving our community by offering Boating Safety classes 


Hiliberto Gonzalez, FC                     Richard Vogel, VFC 

Welcome Aboard!

We are the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary's Flotilla 114-04-09 proudly serving the West San Fernando Valley Area. Our members live in the San Fernando Valley, Simi-Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, Los Angeles, and other out of area cities. We hope that you enjoy your visit and hope that you would like to learn more about us by coming to one of our no-obligation free meetings.



 Flotilla 4-9 is proud to have received the Most Active Public Education award in 2021



We at flotilla 4-9 strive to create a positive environment, valuing all members and promoting individual success every year, since 2018.






The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is the trained, uniformed, civilian component of the Coast Guard. We are a force multiplier, and nationally we have about 31,000 members who volunteer millions of hours annually assisting the Coast Guard to fulfill its mission. Our primary mission is public education, teaching recreational boating safety, and assisting the Coast Guard in time of emergency. We are known as the “Volunteer Life Savers” performing many hours of on the water safety and security patrols on local lakes and in coastal waters assisting and educating the boating public on and off the water. By law, we are not permitted to use or be around guns and are not involved in any law enforcement or military activities. Everyone in the Auxiliary needs to be trained before he or she can participate in the specific job(s) of their choice. Our training is quite extensive and is conducted in classrooms and online. Once we have successfully passed a proficiency test in the skill(s) of our choice we are fully allowed to participate. The following is a sample list of the type of free training available to our members: Boat Crewman, Vessel Safety Examiner, Communications, Navigation, Aids to Navigation Verifier, Trainer, Chef, and many more.

It is the policy of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary to ensure that all citizens, regardless of race, gender, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, religion, or physical or mental disability have an equal opportunity to become a member of this organization. People from a wide variety of backgrounds and interests are welcome and encouraged to join the Auxiliary to work side by side with us as we serve the boating public.

Furthermore, you can be involved as much or as little as you choose. You will be involved in events that are completely different from your daily life that are interesting, exciting, extremely rewarding, and most of all very enjoyable. You will be making a difference in someone’s life. I urge you to come and “check us out”. You and your friends are cordially invited to attend one of our monthly meetings. There is no fee or obligation. We meet on the first Wednesday night of the month at 6:30 P.M. in the Training Room of the:


Van Nuys FlyAway
7610 Woodley Avenue
Van Nuys, CA 91406

Click here for directions


Due to Covid, we are meeting every Wednesday on Zoom till further notice. Please contact our Flotilla Commander, Rick Vogel, at [email protected]  to receive an invite 


For additional information please go to the page “About Flotilla 4-9” and feel free to contact anyone listed on the page. Thank you for stopping by and we hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.


Hiliberto Gonzalez                                        Richard Vogel

Flotilla Commander                              Vice Flotilla Commander

                             Semper Paratus  (Always Ready)