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Welcome to the Flotilla 12-1, District 11NR Web Site


Welcome to the East Bay (Alameda) Coast Guard Auxiliary "113-12-01" Website


We patrol the local waterways and stand radio watches to assist the Coast Guard in performing all missions not involving direct law enforcement and military action. We are responsible for public boating safety and teach boating safety classes, conduct vessel safety checks and act as liaisons to the marine industry. We perform Commercial shipping container inspections, assist in maintaining marine Aids to Navigation and much more.

Auxiliary members who achieve relevant competencies may serve as language interpreters or chefs aboard active duty Coast Guard cutters, deploy during disaster response or administratively assist the day to day operations of the Coast Guard. Flotilla Members enjoy the comradeship of dedicated individuals serving the USCG, our community, and our country.


Flotilla 12-1 is based out of Coast Guard Island, in Alameda, CA. This site is designed as a hub for you to find out more about Flotilla 12-1's activities and well as easy access to training material. 

To learn more about joining our flotilla please contact our Flotilla Officer for Human Resources, Vivian McBride at: [email protected]