Sign In/Up with USCGAUX
Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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Roster Instructions

Log into Auxiliary Directory/Officer using your password.
(No password? Click on Obtain or Change Password)
On the right, under Aux Officer PowerSearch click on: Directory Style
Scroll down to Unit and type in 113-08-07
It will look like this:

                               Aux Officer PowerSearch

Then click on the SEARCH button shown at the top of that page. The report will show up on your screen.

You can print it: copy and paste it into a Word document file,
then save as a text file.or as an html file.

Available Lists

List NameList Contents
On Screen Listmember ID, name, email, phone numbers
Directory Stylename, email, phone, offices held, spouse
vCardsFile format standard for electronic business cards
Enhanced Email Listmember email list with names
Plain Email Listemail list without names added