Welcome to the Flotilla 8-7, District 11NR Web Site

We are several dozen civilian volunteers in Mendocino County, CA, who assist the U. S. Coast Guard in all its missions, except for military and law enforcement missions. Here are some of the things we do:
- Quarterly maintenance of the 1st order Fresnel Lens (a
Federal Aid to Navigation) at the Point Arena Light Station:
(Sometimes, our work saves lives; here is a testimonial.)
- Biweekly maintenance of the lantern room and third-order
Fresnel Lens (a Federal Aid to Navigation) at the
Point Cabrillo Light Station:

- Operational support of Coast Guard Station Noyo River
(watchstanding, callouts and crew augmentation) - Pyrotechnics Inspection at USCGSTA Noyo River
- Weekly maintenance of the helicopter fuel depot at the Point Arena Light Station.
(In 2019, the Fuel Team received the Operational Distinguishing Device "O".)
- Teaching Boating Safety Courses to the Public (contact our Public Education Officer ).
- Voluntary Vessel Safety Checks of recreational boats and commercial fishing vessels,
both on the ocean and at Lake Mendocino (contact our Vessel Examination Officer.).
- Promoting boating safety locally, and supporting National Safe Boating Week
- Environmental Protection activities including Beach Cleanup Day.
- Providing Public Affairs information.
If you'd like to join us, please contact our Human Resources Officer.
For questions or comments on this website, contact our Communications Services Officer.