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Mandated Training

Always check if the course links on this page are current,
by reviewing the
District Member Training page

You may take your mandated courses through the AUX Learning Management System.


  • on AUX LMS, your "username" is your primary email address in AUXDATA; if you don't have a password, click on "I forgot my password.
  • AUX LMS works best with Internet Explorer!  SETA training MUST be taken using IE.)
  • As of 03 JUN 2015, ICS-100 and ICS-700 are required courses . They are a 1 time only required course. See ALAUX email of 3 JUN 2016 for details.

Other Mandated Training Resources are here.

The table below shows the frequency required for each mandated course. View the
AUXINFO Reports to see what course credit you have on file. Once there, click on
Flotilla 87 under each mandated course, to find your name.

 Course Code

Course NameFrequency
502379DHS Together - Resilience TrainingEvery 5 years
810030   Security Fundamentals (formerly SETA)    Every 5 years  
810015Privacy at DHS / Protecting Personal InformationEvery 5 years
810000Sexual Harassment PreventionEvery 5 years
810045Sexual Assault Prevention and ResponseEvery 5 years
502319Civil Rights Awareness Class (no longer requires an instructor )
Every 5 years
502306Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts1 time only
502290Influenza Training1 time only
ICS-100Introduction to ICS-100 online1 time only
ICS-700National Incident Management System (NIMS)1 time only

 If there are any issues with this page content, contact our FSO-CS .
This page was last updated on Feb. 9, 2017.