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Welcome to the Flotilla 1-9, District 11NR Web Site

The Coast Guard’s philosophy is to be always ready (SEMPER PARATUS) against all threats and all hazards. The Coast Guard Auxiliary has been an integral part of that philosophy, and Flotilla 19, based out of the Sierra Point Yacht Club in Brisbane, has served the San Francisco Bay Area community since its establishment in 1962.

Our Flotilla is comprised of a diverse group of people from all over the Bay Area who are committed to leadership in each of the Auxiliary's Four Cornerstones: Member Services, Recreational Boating Safety, Operations and Marine Safety, and Fellowship.

We conduct surface safety patrols in San Francisco Bay and the nearby Delta, perform commercial fishing safety examinations and free vessel safety checks for the public, assist the Coast Guard with homeland security duties, teach public education classes such as boating safety courses, and many other activities.

We are located on the bay side of the Peninsula just a few miles south of the City of San Francisco. Our centralized location makes us accessible to the San Francisco waterfront, San Francisco International Airport and the rest of the Bay Area. Our flotilla meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at the Sierra Point Yacht Club.

If you have any questions, please email us at: