Welcome to the Division 1, District 11NR Web Site
“Semper Paratus” is the Coast Guard motto. It means “always ready” and embodies a lasting commitment to protecting the safety, security, and environmental stewardship of our nation’s waterways. The Coast Guard Auxiliary is an integral part of that philosophy.
Division 1, a group of four flotillas from the San Francisco area, is known as the “Senior Division” of the Eleventh District Northern Region (D11NR). This is because it is the longest standing group of flotillas within D11NR, which covers Northern California, Utah and Nevada. Our flotillas located in San Francisco, San Mateo and Marin counties serve the Bay Area community.
Our volunteer members are engaged and committed to the Four Cornerstones of the Coast Guard Auxiliary:
- Recreational Boating Safety (RBS)
- Operations and Marine Safety
- Members Services
- Fellowship
Coast Guard Auxiliarists are force multipliers for the United States Coast Guard, assisting in a variety of missions under the oversight of the Department of Homeland Security. Auxiliarists are trained to accomplish specific missions assigned to the Auxiliary and to support collateral Coast Guard missions on a day-to-day and surge basis.
The Auxiliary has mission responsibility to support the Coast Guard Boating Safety Division with the development and implementation of RBS programs. Auxiliary activities conducted on behalf of federal, state, and local governments improve the knowledge, safety skills, and operating environment of recreational boaters. These include, but are not limited to public education, vessel examinations, commercial fishing safety inspections, distribution of RBS literature and information to the boating public, and promoting a positive Coast Guard image to the boating public as public affairs specialists.
Coast Guard Auxiliarists provide resources, personnel, and offer-for-use surface, air, and radio facilities in support of Coast Guard operational, environmental protection, and security missions. These include, but are not limited to surface operations as boat crew members, aviation operations as air crew members and observers, communications support as telecommunications operators, marine safety, and navigation systems as aids to navigation verifiers and bridge inspectors. Qualified boat crew members from Division 1 conduct surface safety patrols and provide special event support throughout the San Francisco Bay area.
In carrying out the mission of member services, Auxiliarists provide for internal Auxiliary personnel support and assist the Coast Guard in several personnel and recreation missions. Opportunities to serve include supporting Auxiliary business as finance, information services, communications services, materials, human resources, member training, and publications officers, as well as elected leadership positions.
Fellowship remains an essential part of making any organization of volunteers successful. The Coast Guard recognizes the importance of this aspect of volunteer participation and encourages a close relationship between Auxiliarists and other Coast Guard personnel. Fellowship makes the team work and binds our entire organization together.
Alex J. Bennett
Division Commander

Alex J. Bennett joined the US Coast Guard Auxiliary in 2010 as a member of Flotilla 14 (Central Marin). At the Flotilla level, he has served as Flotilla Commander, Flotilla Vice Commander, FSO-OP and FSO-MA, the latter for nine years. He has also served as ADSO-MA, SO-MA and continues to assist at DIRAUX with the administration of the PPE Program for D11NR. He was appointed Auxiliary Unit Coordinator for Station San Francisco in 2023 and served for two years. Alex also served as Division Vice Commander from 2023-2024 and was elected Division Commander for 2025. His primary Auxiliary interests are surface operations and navigation systems. He frequently patrols on San Francisco Bay assisting with Helo Ops, Kite Surfer Safety, and events such as Fleet Week.