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New Member Deck

Involvement             Orientation Class                Uniforms    

Welcome aboard.

You have joined other volunteers who support the missions of the U.S. Coast Guard.

As Auxiliarists we do not perform any law enforcement tasks, none the less, you will be challenged to learn and perform new tasks.

Here are some of the areas you may want to get involved in; [Each is a link to that site]


 Public Information, Prevention

The links above are from the navigation bar to the left of this page. As you work with our website you well be able to use the nav bar to get to this pages.

You can find even more opportunities on the navigation bar under Member Deck > Involvement.  

Member Status

Your member status is most likely AP, soon your background check will be completed and your status will change to IQ, BQ or AX depending on what training you have completed. What do the letters stand for;

AP > Application Pending (Pending completion of background check)
IQ  > Initially Qualified (Completed background check)
BQ > Basically Qualified (Completed the required boating corse)
AX > AUXOP Qualified (The PhD of the Auxiliary)

For more on this talk to your Flotilla's FSO-MT


Auxiliarists wear same uniform as Coast Guard officers. Only the insignia and buttons are silver unlike the active members who's are gold. Thus the Auxiliarists are known as “Silver Side” and the active duty are known as “Gold Side”.

Most of the public don't see us as Gold Side and Silver Side, to them we are all just the Coast Guard. Therefor, it is important to wear the uniforms properly at all times.

It is important to know and follow proper courtesy and protocol when around the Gold Side.

There are three basic uniforms you will need, depending on your area of assignment.
  1. For most Auxiliary activities you will need the Tropical Blue.
  2. If you are involved in the Operations activities you will need the Operational Dress Uniform (ODU)
  3. For formal activities, and seen as an optional uniform, Dress Blue. Tropical Blue maybe be used in place of Dress Blue most of the time or a suit and tie.
For more on Uniforms and where and when to get them see your Flotilla's FSO-MA.  

Auxiliary Organization

Reading in the Auxiliary Manual you will read about the Flotilla, Division, District that lead up to Region and National. Again on the left nav bar you can find our leadership, but here are the links. 

District 11 North Leadership

 Support by the District are the Division and Flotillas 

Division Leadership

The Division is made up of Flotilla and has much the same organization structure as a flotilla.


Flotilla Leadership

Shoulder Boards

 Flotilla Commander (FC)

Term of office 1 year, Max 2 years consecutive,
may repeat after 1 year out of office.  


Shoulder Boards

Flotilla Vice Commander (VFC)

Term of office 1 year, No consecutive limit.  


Shoulder Boards

Flotilla Staff Officer (FSO-xx)

Term of office 1 year, No consecutive limit
Red "A" indicates appointed


Shoulder Boards
of highest office held

 All Past officers both elected and appointed
when no longer serving in the office
add the Past Officer Device to the top of the right pocket


Shoulder Boards

Flotilla Member


Flotilla Staff Officers

Flotilla's have the following staff officer position. Not all staff officers positions need to be filled. There are some key staff positions depending on the area, unit activities, and others things. 


FSO-AN Aids to Navigation
FSO-CM Communications
FSO-CS Communications Services
FSO-FN Finance
FOS-IS Information Systems
FOS-MA Materials
FSO-MS Marine Safety and Environmental Protection
FSO-MT Member Training
FSO-OP Operations
FSO-PA Public Affairs
FSO-PB Publications
FSO-PE Public Education
FSO-HR Personnel
FSO-PV RBS Program Visitor
FSO-SR Secretary and Records
FSO-VE Vessel Examiner
Flotilla Staff Officer (FSO)  

For more on your Flotilla's staff, talk to your VFC (Chief of Staff)


USCG Stations within D11 North

There are 15 USCG stations in D11 North.

Station Golden Gate
Station San Francisco
Air Station San Francisco
Coast Guard Island Alameda
Station Vallejo
Station Rio Vista
Air Station Sacramento
Station Lake Tahoe
Station Monterey
Station Bodega Bay
Station Noyo River
Station Humboldt Bay
Aids to Navigation (ATON) Station
Coast Guard Training Center (TRACEN) Petaluma


The Stations in the San Francisco Bay area: