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Ludington Flotilla Photo Galleries

Coast Guard boat, Liudington Lighthouse, and S.S. Badger

 Due to lack of space for this website, I have uploaded photos to Google's "Photos" site. Here are links to see them. No login, account, or registration is needed.

On the first screen you can see all photos, and clicking on the Dot-Dot-Dot thing at top right, gives you an option to download all the photos. Doing that, your browser will download a .ZIP (compressed) file containing all the photos. You can exit the web browser and navigate to where your web browser puts downloaded files, and un-compress the .zip file to get all the photos as .jpg's. Or, if you click on a single photo, you see it full screen, and you can then download that single photo as a normal .jpg file.

Some time ago, some of these photo galleries were actually hosted on the Flotilla's web space.  They were created using a free program called XnView.  It's more work, but there are advantages to doing it that way.  If you'd like to see how those galleries were created, please contact the webmaster..