Welcome to the Flotilla 31-6, District 9WR Web Site
After being discontinues for a while, NOAA Coastwatch is now publishing daily updated charts of the Great Lakes water temperatures! There are some new improvements, and a new presentation. Click here to see: https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/nrt_contour To see just Lake Michigan Central, click here: https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/nrt_contour/data/regions/m3/01/m3.png
Sadly, the Ludington Fl;otilla was unable to participate in the annual Family AfFair event at the Scottville High School, this year (2024). Here's a link to some photos from last year: Family AfFair 23
Manistee Flotilla 31-08 has been disbanded effective 12/31/22 due to declining membership. Members of the Manistee Flotilla are transferring to the Ludington Flotilla. Welcome Aboard!
To see the Flotilla description from the Manistee Flotilla Website, click on links for 31-06 Flotilla News at left.

During months when Sta. Ludington is manned, meetings are held at Station Ludington, with online participation using Zoom. During
late Fall and Winter, our Flotilla meetings have frequently been held at the
Ludington Library, in the Zonta or Rotary Room. Meetings are still
the second Thursday of the month, at 6:30 pm. Location for 2024 Winter meetings will be the Ludington Library, with zoom participation as well.
Great Lakes Observing System (Wx Buoy) is finally OFFLINE FOR THE WINTER!
Beginning each Spring, you can Text 45024 to (866) 218-9973 to get instant wind/temp/waves. The website is better than ever and shows a great map of buoy info. Here's a link:
Also see local conditions here: NOAA weather station BSBM4 - Big Point Sable
Or check the NOAA weather station LDTM4 - Pere Marquette Lake
THERE IS one buoy midway between Ludington and Manitowoc text 45210 as described above,
AND there is also one offshore at Muskegon text 45161
AND one offshore at Holland, text 45029
SANDCASTLES!.. Ludington's amazing Sandcastles Children's Museum has added a Water Safety exhibit with wave table, Lifeguard Tower, videos, charts, graphs, Brng the kids and check it out!.

For any corrections or comments, please contact FSO-CS Frank