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Welcome to 2023! We are back!

Richard Evans
COMO Richard C. Evans
District Commodore 
USCG Auxiliary
Ninth District, Eastern Region
We are the volunteer branch of the United States Coast Guard, the uniformed Auxiliary service of the United States Coast Guard (USCG). Our priorities are the promotion of recreational boating safety (RBS) and supporting missions of the USCG through which we have unique opportunities to save lives and property as never before.

In recent years, the Auxiliary has suffered a dramatic drop in membership and activity due to COVID 19. We are evolving from these pandemic limitations. Recruitment is an important goal as we look to our future.

The Ninth District, Eastern Region Area of Responsibility of the Great Lakes (Sector Buffalo) was number two in the nation for 2021-22, having the most SAR cases, second only to San Francisco. Keep in mind that our operational season is approximately five months long, whereas San Francisco never freezes over.

Recreational Boating Safety is job one for the Coast Guard Auxiliary. The Active-Duty branch of the Coast Guard needs Auxiliary support to balance law enforcement efforts with Search and Rescue.

It takes a strong and continuing desire, support from our families, and time commitment, to be successful in the Auxiliary. We volunteer not only our skills, talents and knowledge, but our boats, planes and radios. We buy our own uniforms, pay dues and seek new (including technological) skills/advancement. Training is on-going to become qualified in needed specialties and mission areas. We train to remain proficient and always prepared (Semper Paratus).

I am honored to be an active member of Team Coast Guard. My qualifications include Coxswain, Personal Watercraft Operator, Vessel Examiner and Qualifying Examiner. I also join with fellow Auxiliarists to participate in Public Affairs events whenever possible. Fellowship is, and has been, a cornerstone of the Auxiliary from the very beginning. We are a team. Fellowship remains a significant part of being a member of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Since our inception, the USCG Auxiliary has grown and matured.

We have been recognized by the Federal Government and the Coast Guard. As a result, the Active Duty are continuing to expand Auxiliary missions and responsibilities. Our role in assisting the Coast Guard is ever changing and expanding. We can proudly serve our country, our community and help others through our service as Coast Guard Auxiliarists. We can be proud to be part of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the most efficient, effective maritime volunteer organization in the world. Please join in to offer vitality and strength in support of USCG missions.