District Commodore

Commodore Botsford Is a Boat Coxswain and Navy Vet
Commodore Steven R. Botsford is a member of Alexandria Bay Flotilla 16 (092-01-06) in Alexandria Bay, New York. He has been a member of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary since March 2009.
Prior to his being elected District Commodore of the 9th District, Eastern Region (9ER), he served in all other Flotilla, Division and District elected offices as well as several Flotilla and Division appointed positions. The latter included Flotilla and Division Information Services Officer and Member Training Officer, and Flotilla Materials Officer and Secretary / Records Officer. He has been an instructor at several 9ER District Training Conferences (DTRAIN), plus he teaches boating safety courses to the public, and navigation rules to his fellow auxiliarists.
Commodore Botsford holds current Auxiliary qualifications as Boat Crew Coxswain, Risk Management Team Coordination Training Facilitator, Certified Instructor, Citizen Verifier / Fingerprint Technician and Aids to Navigation Verifier. He is also certified as Auxiliary Operations (AUXOP), CORE Training and Basic Qualification II.
Commodore Botsford served in the United States Navy and took part in two deployments to the Persian Gulf during the Iran Hostage Crisis (1979 – 1981). He also served in the Naval Reserve, where he achieved the rank of Machinist Mate First Class.
He received a Batchelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Maine and worked as an Environmental Engineer for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation from 1987 until his retirement in 2017 and was an engineering supervisor for the last 14 years of state service.
When he is not busy with his duties as district commodore, he runs a family based not-for-profit and works on his golf game.