Training Materials for Prospective Vessel Examiners
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Basic Training Resources, Courtesy of D9 Western
Basic Training:
- VE/VSC 101 (1.0 hrs) - Vessel Safety Check Mission Mechanics - This course covers the mechanics of how the Vessel Safety Check Mission is performed, how the VE is assigned to duty, and now members become qualified in the mission.
- VE/VSC 111 (2.0 hrs) - Vessel Safety Check Basics – “Just the basics” an Auxiliarist needs to pass the recreational boat portion of the Vessel Examiner Qualification Exam. The course is intended for members wishing to attain a new VE qualification or previously qualified Vessel Examiners who would like a deep refresher on the core material.
- VE/VSC 112 (2.0 hrs) - Vessel Safety Check Discussion - Discussion topics the Vessel Examiner should be prepared to engage the boater with above-and-beyond the 15 checklist items on the 7012 form.
- VE/VSC 121 (1.5 hrs) - Practical VE Training – A focus on resources and practical techniques for becoming a more proficient examiner; leading VE Blitzes to engage more of our members in the VE mission, ways to reach out to all types of boaters, plus the topics of interest to the class participants.
- VE/VSC 201 (0.75 hrs) - PWC Vessel Safety Checks – Special aspects of performing Vessel Safety Checks on Personal Water Craft.
- VE/VSC 202 (1.0 hrs) - Paddlecraft Vessel Safety Checks – Special aspects of performing Vessel Safety Checks on Paddlecraft and considerations to keep in mind when engaging the paddling community.
- VE/VSC 301 (0.75 hrs) - OPFAC Vessel Safety Checks – Special aspects of performing Vessel Safety Checks on USCG Auxiliary Operational Facilities.