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Past Captains'/Commanders' Association


 Captains and Commanders Association


COMO Llorens Chenevert, President

Christopher Stevens, Vice President

COMO Jerri Smith, Treasurer

Kristen Iglesais, Secretary


Membership Requirement

Present or past Division Commanders who have completed a minimum of 6 months in office as a Division Commander or Captain and are current and in Good Standing in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary in the Ninth Central District Region are eligible for membership.


Association Purpose

To assist the District Commodore and Board in advancing the programs of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.

To be a resource of experienced officer input to flotillas, divisions, and the District board.

To provide liason between incumbent Division Commanders and District Staff.

To encourage members of the association to participate in Auxiliary programs within their District.

To utilize the knowledge and expertise of Captains and Commanders in motivating continued interest in the Auxiliary.

Keep members of the Captains and Commanders association informed concerning matters of interest on the District level.

Encourage past Division Captains and Commanders to become members of the  Association.

Ninth Central Initiatives

Coordinating training through online real time monthly   member training.

Assisting  in planning and instructing course offerings at District Conference.

Working with Sectors Detroit and Soo through coordination of Auxiliarists and Active Duty personnel in Coast Guard Missions.

Teaching public boating safety courses.





The U. S. Coast Guard Memorial Wall in Grand Haven Michigan is sponsored by the Coast Guard Auxiliary 9th Central Region Captains and Commanders Association. The memorial Wall is located in Escanaba Park, Grand Haven, Michigan.

Members who have crossed the bar in 2024

Donald Burke

Wayne Hempeck

Michael Howat

Lawrence Leighton

Donald Ledwith

Joseph Marras

Donald Mortimer

David Schmidt 

Dennis Turner