Welcome to the Flotilla 33-3, District 8WR Web Site

Randy Evans
Flotilla Commander
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary was created by Congress in 1939 as an all volunteer civilian component of the United States Coast Guard with these stated purposes:
To promote safety and to effect rescues on and over the high seas and on navigable waters;
To promote efficiency in the operation of motorboats and yachts;
To foster a wider knowledge of and better compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations governing the operation of motorboats;
To facilitate other operations of the U.S. Coast Guard.
The USCG Auxiliary, today, is the only civilian boating organization with such official recognition.
To promote safety and to effect rescues on and over the high seas and on navigable waters;
To promote efficiency in the operation of motorboats and yachts;
To foster a wider knowledge of and better compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations governing the operation of motorboats;
To facilitate other operations of the U.S. Coast Guard.
The USCG Auxiliary, today, is the only civilian boating organization with such official recognition.
Following its original charge, the USCG Auxiliary today is operating from a foundation of four cornerstones: member services, recreational boating safety, Coast Guard & state support and fellowship.