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Welcome to the Flotilla 15-7, District 8WR Web Site

The Hot Springs Flotilla is located on Lake Hamilton at 4928 Albert Pike Road.  Our Area of Responsibility (AOR) includes Lake Ouachita,  Lake Hamilton, Lake Catherine, Lake DeGray and the Ouachita River.   We are seeking qualified volunteers to help us in our mission. 

If you are looking for some adventure in your life while serving your community consider joining the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.   Wherever your interests lie, and whatever your life skills are, chances are that the Coast Guard Auxiliary can offer you and area to serve that will enrich your life in ways you may not have imagined.  The Auxiliary offers both and women a unique opportunity to make a real difference in your local community and across the country.  

For further information,  please  contact us at  [email protected]

or on our Facebook link on the side bar.  









 Join us at one of our monthly Flotilla meetings as our guest. For information call 501-762-0337