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Welcome to the Flotilla 12-8, District 8ER Web Site

Watts Bar Lake Flotilla 082-12-08

Watts Bar Lake Flotilla is located midpoint on Watts Bar Lake near Kingston, TN.  Auxiliary members come from nearby communities such as Crossville, Harriman, Kingston, Loudon, Oak Ridge, Rockwood, and Spring City.

Our Flotilla's area of responsibility covers 72 miles of the Tennessee River known as Watts Bar Lake.  This TVA impoundment is bordered by Watts Bar Dam (mile marker 530 on the downstream side) and Ft. Loudon Dam (mile marker 602 on the upstream side).  Additionally, Clinch River to Melton Hill Dam (Clinch mile marker 0 to 23) and Emory River to Harriman (Emory mile marker 0 to 12) are included in our area of responsibility.

We currently support the Coast Guard's mission to facilitate recreational boating safety in the following active programs:

1.  MARINE OPERATIONS:  The Flotilla operates three vessels for safety, marine observation, and event patrols.

2.  RADIO COMMUNICATIONS: Members provide VHF and HF radio communications supporting Coast Guard and Auxiliary national and local radio nets.

3.  FOOD SERVICES:  Qualified members may deploy on active duty CG ships to provide food services for the ship's crew.

4.  VESSEL SAFETY EXAMS:  We provide free vessel safety inspections helping boaters to meet all safety elements required by State and Federal law. (Link to request a free Vessel Safety Exam)

5.  PUBLIC EDUCATION:  Qualified member instructors conduct Boating Safety Classes for area boaters encompassing general boating safety, First Mate training, trailering, marlinspike, GPS navigation, Tennessee River Familiarization and more.  (Link for Boating Safety Classes)

5.  SAFETY LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION:  We regularly visit 35+ public locations throughout the area distributing boating laws and safety publications 

Contact our Flotilla Commander: mailto: [email protected]