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Past Commanders Association

Welcome to the Eight District, Eastern Region

Matt Meyer, President
Leo Yakutis, Vice President
Duncan Wilkinson, Secretary
DeAnne Rodenburg, Treasurer

About the Association


All present or Past Division Commanders who have completed a term as a Division Commander in any division, and who are also current members with good standing in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary in the Eighth District Eastern Region is eligible to join the association.

Our Purposes:
  • To assist the District Commodore and the District Board in advancing the programs of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.

  • To be a resource of experienced officer input to Flotillas, Divisions and the District Board.

  • To encourage members of the Association to actively participate in the Auxiliary within their respective Divisions and Flotillas.

  • To utilize the knowledge and experience of the Past Division Commanders in motivating a continuing interest in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.

  • To keep the members of the Past Division Commanders Association informed concerning matters of current interest on the district level.

  • To encourage all Past Division Commanders to become members of the Past Division Commanders Association.
Recommended Activities:
  • Conduct the Memorial Service, at both the Spring and Fall meetings of the Eighth Coast Guard District Auxiliary Board, Eastern Region, when so directed by the District Commodore.
  • Provide unbiased judging of awards, based on guidelines set forth in the Eighth Eastern's Standing Rules, when so directed by the District Commodore.
  • Provide assistance to the city Host Committee by greeting the first meeting attendees and by providing transportation to and from the airport, when so directed by the District Commodore.
  • Provide a Color Guard to post the Colors, when so directed by the District Commodore. 
  • Provide assistance on Committees, when so directed by the District Commodore.
  • Provide training for incoming Flotilla Commanders; Vice Flotilla Commanders; Division Commanders and Division Vice Division Commanders at the Eighth Eastern's Spring or Fall District Training or Meetings each year, when so directed by the District Commodore.
PDCA 2023 Meeting Dates
  • 8ER Spring Dtrain 2024, Date: April 10th, Time: 1630
  • 8ER Fall Dtrain 2024, Date: September 11th, Time:  1630

    Please join us, in the meantime, become a member.


PDCA Committees:


Matt Meyer, IPDCDR 082-05; Past DCapt-West
Keith Blosser, Past DCAPT-East 082-18

Election Committee TBA

Held Concurrent with District Elections

PDCA Awards Committee

 Duncan Wilkinson, Secretary PDCA, DSO-MT 082-24

Development Committee
Anthony Waters, IPDCDR 082-07

The PDCA Board members are members of all committees.