Welcome to the District 8ER Web Site
Commodore Ron Boneau
Welcome and thank you for visiting the Eighth District, Eastern Regions website for the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. We are one District of 16 across the United States. The Auxiliary today is comprised of about 23,000 members.Our District consists of 12 Divisions and has approximately 950 members and is growing. Each Division consists of 4 to 5 Flotillas. Our 8th Eastern Region serves all or portions of ten (10) states. Tennessee, Ohio, West Virgina, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Alabama and Mississippi.
We are a uniformed all-volunteer organization for our Country, The U.S. Coast Guard, our communities and the recreational boating public. We are non- military and non-law enforcement. Our primary mission of recreational boating stresses boating safety through Vessel Safety Checks, public education and Program visits. However, there are many opportunities in a variety of missions that are available with free training in any mission that is of interest to you and your qualifications. All it takes is your desire to participate, train and perform through your involvement.Congress established the Coast Guard Auxiliary in June of 1939 and was referred to as the Coast Guard Reserve. In February 1941 we were redesignated the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.
The Auxiliary is made up of volunteers dedicated, involved and diverse to carrying out the support of the Coast Guard and the missions of the Auxiliary by being Semper Paratus (Always Prepared).
The purpose of the Coast Guard Auxiliary is to assist the Coast Guard in a variety of missions including leadership focused on the promotion of boating safety within the compliance of Federal and State Laws for boating.Our hope, as you visit our website, is that you will discover an interest that will satisfy your purpose and help us grow the Coast Guard Auxiliary of the 8th Eastern District. The four corner stones of the Auxiliary are Member Services, Recreational Boating Safety, Operations / Marine Safety and fellowship. Our focus is on four key points. Our commitment we make with the pledge we take as members and officers. We take pride in the Auxiliary and our service to the Coast Guard, the uniforms we are privileged to wear and the missions we accomplish. People, our membership, is the Auxiliary's greatest asset. Our progress is gained through our mission accomplishments.
We hope you enjoy visiting the site and that there was something of interest for you. Following your review of our website please contact anyone of our members to discuss your questions and to lead you to the path of becoming an active and contributing member of a lifesaving organization. If you can help us make a difference and are willing to be involved and active through training, then the Auxiliary is the organization you’re looking for. Auxiliary membership is open to all U.S citizens 17 years of age or older.Commodore Ron Boneau

Our District consists of 12 Divisions and has approximately 950 members and is growing. Each Division consists of 4 to 5 Flotillas. Our 8th Eastern Region serves all or portions of ten (10) states. Tennessee, Ohio, West Virgina, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Alabama and Mississippi.
Congress established the Coast Guard Auxiliary in June of 1939 and was referred to as the Coast Guard Reserve. In February 1941 we were redesignated the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.
The Auxiliary is made up of volunteers dedicated, involved and diverse to carrying out the support of the Coast Guard and the missions of the Auxiliary by being Semper Paratus (Always Prepared).
Our hope, as you visit our website, is that you will discover an interest that will satisfy your purpose and help us grow the Coast Guard Auxiliary of the 8th Eastern District. The four corner stones of the Auxiliary are Member Services, Recreational Boating Safety, Operations / Marine Safety and fellowship. Our focus is on four key points. Our commitment we make with the pledge we take as members and officers. We take pride in the Auxiliary and our service to the Coast Guard, the uniforms we are privileged to wear and the missions we accomplish. People, our membership, is the Auxiliary's greatest asset. Our progress is gained through our mission accomplishments.
Commodore Ron Boneau
District Chief of Staff Anthony Waters
As Auxiliarists, we embody the principles of Semper Paratus – Always Ready. Whether through public education, vessel safety checks, operational support, or administrative roles, every member plays a vital part in ensuring the success of our organization. Together, we are stronger, and together, we achieve excellence.
My vision for 8ER focuses on transparency, accountability, and succession planning, ensuring that our district remains resilient and effective in achieving our goals. As we look toward the future, I encourage each of you to share your ideas, participate in our programs, and take advantage of the training and leadership opportunities available.
This website serves as a hub of information and resources designed to keep us connected and informed. From event announcements to training opportunities and program updates, I hope you find it helpful in your auxiliary journey. If you have suggestions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your dedication and service. I look forward to working with you as we continue to make a positive impact within the Coast Guard Auxiliary and beyond.
Semper Paratus!
Anthony Waters, DCOS