New Member Dues
New Member Dues
Membership Dues
Annual Membership Dues are currently $80.00
New Members dues are prorated based upon the Quarter in which their membership number is assigned. No applicants file will be processed unless dues are first paid. If you are not accepted for membership, the dues will be returned to the applicant.
The Dues are distributed to: National, District, Division and Flotilla. How the dues are prorated is determined by each level. Therefore, a person who is given a Membership number i.e., March 15 of the year, would pay that year’s dues in full (March 15 is still in the first quarter). Then they would pay the following year’s dues by 31 August in that same year. The prorated scale is not evenly divided.
Personal Check, Bank Checks or Money Orders are the preferred methods of payment.Cash will be accepted but is NOT preferred. Make checks payable to Flotilla 81-7-4.
FSO-FN Steven Ducharme