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Auxiliary Culinary Assistance (AUXCA) program

The Auxiliary Culinary Assistance (AUXCA) program helps Coast Guard and Coast
Guard Auxiliary units enhance mission readiness, effectiveness, and execution by
providing culinary support. This support is achieved through promoting and providing
culinary assistance to Coast Guard units (both on land and at sea) and to Auxiliary
units, supporting the Coast Guard National Strategic Plan, and training and maintaining
a high degree of proficiency to support the CG and the Auxiliary.
AUXCA Specialists are trained by certified AUXCA Instructors and/or USCG Active-
Duty Culinary Specialists II and above using Coast Guard Approved AUXCA Program
guides. Classroom training is followed by hands on training, with a Personnel
Qualification Standard (PQS).

The Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program (AUXCA) was established in early 2021 to
broaden the application of the AUXFS Program, which provided direct support to the
U.S. Coast Guard galleys both on land and at sea.

The Division 7 members who are AUXCA certified support the flotillas in our division as
well as Coast Guard Station South Padre Island, Coast Guard Small Boat Stations Port
Aransas and Port O’Connor, and the cutter fleet at both Harbor Facility Corpus Christi
and Coast Guard Station Galveston.

To find out more information, click here --> AUXCA Program Main Page

If you are interested in joining, please text Tom Duryea at (775) 513-4682 or email him at [email protected].