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Uninspected Passenger Vessel

Uninspected Passenger Vessels


What is an Uninspected Passenger Vessel (UPV)

An uninspected passenger vessel is any vessel (typically under 100 gross tons) carrying six or fewer passengers for hire.  The type of vessel does not matter, but the fact that one or more persons pay for passage determines whether a vessel falls under the UPV requirements. The term “uninspected” refers to the provision under the Passenger Vessel Act of 1993 that vessels carrying six or fewer passengers do not require an inspection by the Coast Guard.  They are still expected to comply with the law and carry all required equipment and have a licensed master. 


 The difference between Uninspected Passenger and Small Passenger Vessel?

 Uninspected Passenger Vessel or Small Passenger Vessel (Video)

Are You In Compliance?

The Coast Guard Auxiliary provides a complementary safety examination for Uninspected Passenger Vessels. Similar to a recreational Vessel Safety Check but more in depth with documentation, safety equipment and educating the owner/master with compliance with UPV regulations. Vessels that pass the examination will receive a UPV decal for display on the vessel.  Vessels that fail will be given a deficiencies list and no enforcement action is taken. 

(Mississippi, Alabama and Northwest Florida)

To schedule your UPV Exam, Contact U.S. Coast Guard Sector Mobile at:



Don't Know the Requirements for your UPV Inspection?

Download a free copy of the Uninspected Passenger Vessel Requirements

and the

UPV Vessel Examination Checkoff List  



OUPV License and UPV Vessel Documentation


Operating an Uninspected Passenger Vessel Requires a Merchant Mariner Credential. Also Depending on the size and type vessel; Vessel Documentation. Click the links above to learn more.