Sector Mobile

2025 CO/OIC Meeting Yielded New Support for Auxiliary Augmenting
The Sector Mobile CO/OIC Meeting was a great success for the 8CR East. The Auxiliary Sector Coordinator was invited to hold a Power Point Presentation to introduce the New Augmentation process to all Sector Mobile Unit Commanders. This New Process has been in the works since early 2023 and involved Captain Mullins direct input. The concept of the new process was to make the entire augmentation process easier for both Active Duty and Auxiliary members.
Since the approval from Captain Mullins and Commodore Scamardo to move forward, from concept to reality has taken better part of a year to get the project launched. The Power Point presentation during the CO/OIC meeting was received with great enthusiasm by the Unit Commanders. More so that Captain Mullins has requested the presentation be brought to the All Hands for introduction to all Department OIC's. This is great news for getting augmenting opportunities in all departments.The new process implemented will make it easier for all members that want to work in active duty billets. Seeing
what is available at the Coast Guard
Stations will help the member take the first step into direct
operational support roles. Direct support is something a lot of members
would like to do.
Unfortunately many will not take the first step because they do not know
and don't know if they would even qualify for the positions. Reluctance
because of the unknown will often keep a willing member at bay. Active
duty CO's have also been reluctant to call upon the auxiliary
basically for the same reasons. Not knowing how or who to contact, or if
member will have the training needed to fill the position. The
complexity of the process was burdensome for both sides to pursue. The
new augmentation process
will help break down these barriers for both active duty and auxiliary.
The new four step program will cut out the unknown and make the entire process a more formal and more positive experience for both sides. You will now be able to view and apply for available jobs listed at local Units, Air Stations and Cutters all from the comfort of your laptop or smart phone. Know what certifications is needed, know what is expected and the level of commitment needed for the job. Some jobs have very little training needed where others require special qualifications. If you are wonder what jobs you qualify for you will need to log in using your Member Zone ID to the Sector Mobile Jobs page (SecMob Jobs)
Is that Sam The Sham and the Pharaohs looking for a Ring Dang Doo? No but that's Rick Quinn and the Crew from Flotilla 3-7 on the Ring Dang Doo performing another successful Air Drop Mission with Aviation Training Center Mobile.
Many don't know in Division three that ATC Mobile works closely with the Auxiliary in their training missions. One such mission is the HC 144 airdrop training mission performed off the Coast of Mississippi. Air Training Center in collaboration with Station Gulfport and Flotilla 3-7 routinely performs this mission. Rick Quinn and the Crew from flotilla 3-7 sets up the targets for the HC 144 and retrieves the drop and returns it back to Station Gulfport.
Practice of these Air Drops are beneficial and plays a vital role for the new Pilots in honing their drop skills. These practices are keeping Flotilla 3-7 very active in their surface operations. So active they often reach out to other flotillas for crew support. Flotilla 3-5 and Flotilla 3-8 surface crews often join in to lend their support. What an awesome mission to be involved with. Bravo Zulu to Rick Quinn and the Crews of Flotillas 3-5, 3-7 and 3-8. Keeping Division 3 a valuable resource for ATC Mobile.
Sector Mobile Initiates UAS Drone Program
Sector Mobile IMD LTJG Thigpen who is also
Sectors AuxLo brought a request to all 8CR east members to actively pursue the UAS
Drone program. The drone program is an ongoing fresh new program that all 8CR East members can partake in. Several from Division 1 and 3 have taken heed
to the call and have pursued their FAA Part 107 license. The part 107 is a
prerequisite to taking the Active Duty PQS for being assigned a Designation
letter. As with any Active Duty program
the UAS program is not for the faint of heart.
Just achieving the prerequisite Part 107 is a challenge in itself. Thanks to Michael Palmer of Flotilla 3-6 it
is now a little easier and less costly.
The Part 107 is an expensive test to sit for as a civilian and absorbing
the cost of training, application and exam fees is very burdensome to many of
our members. The majority of cost was
the responsibility of our members up until Mr. Palmer challenged an oversight. Though the Department of Homeland Security
would hold Part 107 exams free of charge for Active Duty, Reserves and Retired
The Auxiliary branch of the Coast Guard was excluded from these exams.
At the time of testing and unbeknownst
to LTJG Thigpen to the exclusion several members were instructed to attend an
examination event at CG Air Training Center Mobile. These members were
surprisingly turned away. Mr. Palmer
along with the help of ATC personnel enquired up the Chain of Command as to why
the Auxiliary was excluded.
This enquiry
prompted immediate change in policy and the members were allowed to sit for the
exams. Mr. Palmer’s actions were the
catalyst that brought about change of policy on a National level. This policy change allows Auxiliary members to
sit for the Part 107 exam at any DHS testing event free of charge. The UAS program is growing strong in the 8CR
East and thanks to Mr. Palmer is now more accessible to our members. Bravo Zulu Mr. Palmer for leading the charge
in this great program.
Commandant Fagan Recognizes Division One 8CR East Member
(Reprint from Commandant Fagan's Facebook page.)
Meet Auxiliarist Don Kittsmiller of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary District 8CR Flotilla 1-9!
AUX Kittsmiller serves in the Panama
City Beach community as a Division and Flotilla Marine Safety Officer, Aids to
Navigation Flotilla Officer, Auxiliary Liaison Officer, and Auxiliary Chef. His
Flotilla cooks meals for U.S. Coast Guard Station Panama City every quarter as
well as on Christmas and Thanksgiving for members on duty. As a retired U.S.
Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer, he said, “I know how hard it is to stand the
watch when you’ve got family at home. These people appreciate it.” AUX
Kittsmiller retired from the Navy in 1985 after serving tours on several aircraft
carriers, destroyers, and numerous duty stations ashore from Key West to Maine
to San Diego.What drew him to the Coast Guard Auxiliary? He says he was having
a garage sale when a member approached him, asked a couple of questions, and
said ‘You ought to think about joining.’ “Next thing I know, I’m in and turning
and burning,” said Kittsmiller. AUX Kittsmiller says this is his way of giving
back after benefiting from his time in the military. “It’s a joy to work with
people that appreciate what you’re doing,” he added.As someone with prior Navy
experience, we asked him what his experience has been working with the U.S.
Coast Guard. “Totally different,” Kittsmiller answered. “For instance, we would
never in the Navy have an enlisted man running a ship or running a station.
That’s a total flip over for us, but it works good. Everybody that I see
running these stations are well-qualified and they do a good job. It’s just
something that didn’t happen in the Navy.” We’re grateful for Auxiliarists like
AUX Kittsmiller who play a vital role in our Coast Guard missions. Thank you
for your devotion to duty and service to our Nation!
Sector Mobile 8CR East Inland Division Eight
in northern Alabama and West Georgia has had their fair share of operational
work. Division 8 is the only Coast Guard that the public see’s on many of their
inland lakes and rivers. When emergency
situations arise on these lakes and rivers, Division 8 surface facilities are
usually the only help around. As in the
case of the pontoon vessel fire on Lay Lake, Bradley Thaxton, Robby Andrews and
Michael Welborn of Flotilla 8-8 aboard Facility 3117 came upon a vessel fire
while out on patrol. After ensuring the
passengers of the vessel were safe the crew was able to maneuver the burning
vessel away from the bank before it could spread the fire to the extremely dry
adjacent to the lake. Alabama
set a record draught in 2023 and the area forest was a tinderbox. The quick
thinking of the crew averted this burning vessel from
becoming a major forest
fire. The heroic actions of the crew were
noted and recognized during the 2023 Septrain Awards Banquet. Bravo Zulu to the crew of Facility 3117.
Division 8 standing tall for the cause! Keep up the good work.
Division 8 maybe an inland division but it is no stranger to Active Duty augmentation. Division eight Members are deployed on USCG Cutters in the Culinary and Health capacity aboard inland ATON vessels and the CGC Tall Ship Eagle.