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Help Video - Job Aide

District Captain East

8th Coastal Region District Captain East

Doug Ritche

 Proud Traditions, Worthy Missions is our new Auxiliary slogan coming soon, recognizing all the land, sea and air missions we do publicly and embedded with Active-duty for our citizens, communities and Nation. Be proud and respectful as you properly wear the uniform in public and with our Active-duty units, as you go about your varied tasks.  It is truly an honor and know that you are key to Team Coast Guard's success, serving in the most unique volunteer organization in the world, the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Take care of your Shipmates and help them improve and succeed.  In so doing, we are even more effective in our many missions and our efforts are more rewarding as we pull in the same direction together.  Thank you again for your dedication to volunteer service in the "trained volunteer reserves" of the United States Coast Guard.