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Vessel Safety Check

 Make sure your boat has the required safety equipment to meet Federal, State and Local regulations.

  • Prevent citations by ensuring your vessel meets federal, state, and local safety equipment requirements.
  • Identify possible equipment defects and costly breakdowns.
  • Increase safe boating practices to help you avoid accidents and injuries.
  • Provide a better understanding, use and care of your marine safety equipment. 
Any discrepancies that are discovered are NOT reported to any law enforcement
agency, but pointed out to the boat's owner. There are NO penalties if you do not
pass the inspection, but those that do pass are awarded a
US Coast Guard Vessel Safety Check decal, similar to the one below, to display on your boat.

  Vessel Safety Check Logo

 We will 

  • Inspect all safety equipment, such as flares and life rafts, for expiration dates and usability.
  • Confirm that the vessel's registration and documentation are on board and current.

To schedule a complementary vessel safety check and discuss any recommended changes or additional equipment you may need and answer any questions you might have about boating in the area.
Contact the Coast Guard Auxiliary today:

  • The Flotilla Staff Officer for Vessel Safety Check is Charles Atcher
  • To schedule a complementary Vessel Safety Check:  Click Here


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