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E. About the Auxiliary

 With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.     This is the official mission statement for the US Coast Guard.  

During peacetime the Coast Guard reports to the Department of Homeland Security

The Coast Guard Auxiliary reports into the Department of Homeland Security during normal times.   


“The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary – the best trained, most valued maritime volunteer organization in the world – highly effective during normal operations and ready for emergencies.”


  • To promote and improve recreational boating safety;
  • To provide a diverse array of specialized skills, trained crews, and capable facilities to augment the Coast Guard and enhance safety and security of our ports, waterways, and coastal regions; and
  • To support Coast Guard operational, administrative, and logistical requirements.

Organization and Hierarchy

Under the direct authority of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, through and by the direction of the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, the Auxiliary’s operating levels are broken down into four organizational levels: National, District, Division, and Flotilla.

This map shows the districts within the national organization.  Florida is in District 7.

National – Comprised of the National Board and the National Executive Committee, the National-level organization of the Auxiliary is responsible for the administration and development of the governing policies established by the Commandant of the Coast Guard. Day-to-day, it manages the missions, programs, and policies.

District The District provides administrative and supervisory support to Divisions and promotes District and National policy.

Division - Flotillas in the same general geographic area are grouped into Divisions. The Division provides administrative, training, and supervisory support to Flotillas and promotes District and National policy.

Flotilla - The Flotilla is the basic organizational unit of the Auxiliary. It is comprised of at least 10 qualified members, who perform the day-to-day activities of the unit. Members and facilities are based in Flotillas; every Auxiliary member belongs to a Flotilla. 

Contained In this section 

The "About the Auxiliary" section of our website provides information about how the Auxiliary is organized and the broad functions we perform in support of our community and the nation.

Flotilla 84 - Sarasota Florida - Our flotilla is located within Sarasota Florida and is responsible for fulfilling the Auxiliary responsibilities within our area of responsibilities (AOR). 

District 7 and Division 8 -  Flotilla 84 is one of 5 flotillas the service the Southwest waters of Florida.  Our division reports into the Saint Petersburg sector of District 7.  

National Organization - this section provides information about how the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary were founded and what we do. 

Roles and Specialities - In order for us to safely, and effectively fulfill our duties we must achieve uniformity with our dress, language and the ways we function. This section provides examples of these functions training and certifications required for this roles.