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Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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B. Public Education

One of our most popular and important class is our Boat America Course.   In addition to being a Florida requirement for anyone born after January 1, 1988, it provides critical information you will need to safely operate your vessel.  If you are new to boating or have not yet received your certificate, please register.   For more information:  


Coast Guard Auxiliary Course Offerings - The Auxiliary offers a wide range of classes, all designed to ensure your safety on the water.  

STEP - 1 -Review our list of Classes This shows the Coast Guard webpage with sanctioned courses

Click here on COURSES to see our course offerings.



STEP - 2 - Find a class near you This is the webpage that shows the closest courses based on the zip code you entered

Enter your zip code and submit.  You will receive a webpage with the courses offered in your area.

STEP - 3 - Obtain the Syllabus and MapThis is the course description of the course you selected

On the right side of each class are links you can click on for more information about specific classes.  ”FLYER” gives you the class syllabus

This shows the map to where the class is held

and “MAP” provides a map to the location.



STEP 4 - Register for your desired classThis illustrates the registration webpage

Once you find a class you want to attend, register for it using the following link: REGISTER