Acronym Thesaurus
(Including Links for Further Information Regarding Selected Terms or Entities)
Quick Index: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
A | Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Marketing & Public Affairs |
ABC | America's Boating Course |
ABYC | American Boat and Yacht Council |
ADM | Admiral (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
ADSO | Assistant District Staff Officer |
AIDE | Aide to National Commodore/District Commodore |
AIM | Academy Introduction Mission |
AIS | Automatic Identification System |
ALCOAST | All Coast Guard Message |
AMOS | Auxiliary Mission Objectives System |
ANSC | Auxiliary National Supply Center (Catalog) |
AOR | Area of Responsibility |
ARC | American Red Cross |
ARCO | Area Rear Commodore |
ASOC | Auxiliary Senior Officers Course |
ASST | Assistant |
ATON | Aids to Navigation |
AUX | Coast Guard Auxiliary |
AUX-AIR | Auxiliary Aviation |
AuxACN | Auxiliary Advanced Coastal Navigation (Alternative name for AUXNAV) |
AUXCEN | Auxiliary Center |
AUXCOM | Auxiliary Communication Specialty Course |
AUXDATA | Information data base effective March, 02 |
AUXFAC | Auxiliary Facility |
AUXLAM | Auxiliary Leadership & Management Course |
AUXLEA | Auxiliary Leadership Course |
AUXLO | Auxiliary Liason Officer (Auxiliary Member designated as primary interface to Gold Side |
AUXMAN | Auxiliary Manual |
AUXMIN | Auxiliary Administration Specialty Course (Obsolete. Credit if prev. earned) |
AUXMIS | Auxiliary Management Information System, Now AUXDATA |
AUXNAV | Auxiliary Navigation Specialty Course (See Also AuxACN) |
AuxNet | CGAUX Radio Network (General Description) |
AUXOP | Operational Auxiliarist Status (Passed 6 [formerly 7] Specialty Courses) |
AUXPAL | Auxiliary Personnel Allowance List |
AUXPAT | Auxiliary Patrols Specialty Course |
AUXSAR | Auxiliary Search & Rescue Specialty Course (No longer Offered Replaced by AuxSCE) |
AUXSEA | Auxiliary Seamanship Specialty Course |
AUXWEA | Auxiliary Weather Specialty Course |
AWW | America's Waterway Watch (Previously "Operation Waterway Watch") |
AX | AUXOP (designation in AUXData database |
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B | Designates the Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Boating |
BA | Branch Assistant, National Staff |
BC | Branch Chief, National Staff |
BC-NCA | Conference Assistant, NACO Staff |
BC-NCO | Conference Organization, NACO Staff |
BC-NCP | Conference Planning, NACO Staff |
BC-NCR | Conference Registration, NACO Staff |
BC-NCS | Conference Support, NACO Staff |
BCQ | Boat Crew Qualification |
BED | Base Enrollment Date |
BFOI | Boat Force Operations Insignia |
BIA | Boating Industry Association |
BIC | Basic Instructor Course (USCG) |
BLA | Boating Law Administrator |
BM | Boatswains Mate |
BMOW | Boatswain's Mate of the Watch |
BOAT/US | Boat Owners Association of the U. S. |
BOCA | Boat Owners Council of America |
BOSAF | Boating Safety Correspondence Course |
BQ | Basically Qualified |
BS&S | Boating Skills and Seamanship |
BSAC | Boating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC) |
BSC | Boating Safety Circular |
BT | "Break" between message header and message content |
BUI | Boating Under the Influence (of alcohol, etc.) |
BWI | Boating While Intoxicated |
BYBB | Backyard Boat Builders |
BZ | Bravo Zule -- "Well Done" |
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CAMS | Communications Area Master Station (e.g., CAMSPAC: Communications Area Master Station Pacific, NMC, Pt. Reyes CA |
CAP | Civil Air Patrol |
CAPT | Captain (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
CAVU | Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited (Aviation) |
CC | Career Counselor (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation - now obsolete) |
CDR | Commander (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
CEU | Continuing Education Unit |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFVE | Commercial Fishing Vessel Examination |
CFVS | Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety |
CG | Coast Guard (United States Coast Guard) |
CGA | United States Coast Guard Academy (USCGA) |
CGAUX | Coast Guard Auxiliary |
CGI | Coast Guard Institute, Oklahoma City, OK |
CGMA | Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (formerly CG Welfare) |
CHDIRAUX | Chief Director, Auxiliary (Headquarters) |
CM | Communications Officer (CG Aux. SO specialty designation) |
CMC | Merchant Marine Safety Counsel |
CMC | Command Master Chief |
CME | Courtesy Marine (or Motorboat) Examination (Now “VSC”) |
CO | Commanding Officer |
COMDT | Commandant of the Coast Guard |
COMDTINST | Commandant Instruction |
COMDTNOTE | Commandant Notice |
COMDTPUB | Commandant Publication |
COMO | Commodore |
COS | Chief of Staff |
COTP | Captain of the Port |
CPO | Chief Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
CPT | Captain |
CRC | Civil Rights Counselor |
CS | Communications Services (CG Aux. SO specialty designation) |
CWO | Chief Warrant Officer |
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D-AA | Administrative Assistant to DCO |
D-AD | Aide to the DCO |
DBW | (California) Department of Boating and Waterways |
DCAPT | District Captain |
DCDR | Division Commander |
DCOS | District Chief of Staff |
DCO | District Commodore |
DDO | District Directorate Officer (sometimes District Directorate Commodore) |
DEP | Deputy |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DIR | National Department Director |
DIRAUX | Director of Auxiliary (District or Region) |
DIST | District |
DIV | Division At the local level Divisions are the next level of leadership above the Flotilla. At the National Level Departments are broken down into operating areas of responsibility called Divisions |
DO | Direct Operations, a PSI clearance required for direct support of CG Operations, or Defense Operations |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOL | Department of Labor |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DPG | District Planning Group |
DSO | District Staff Officer |
DVC | Division Chief (National Staff) |
DVC-NC | Conference Coordination, NACO staff |
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E | Designates the Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Education |
ELT | Enforcement of Laws and Treaties |
EMPLID | Employee Identification Number |
ENS | Ensign (USCG, USN) |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (Also see PEPIRB) |
EXCOM | District Executive Committee |
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FC | Flotilla Commander |
FED | Flotilla Enrollment Date |
FN | Finance Staff Officer (CG Aux. SO specialty designation) |
FN | Fireman (Enlisted USCG, USN) |
FM | Family Member (AUXMIS designation) |
FMV | Fair Market Value |
FOUO | For Official Use Only |
FSO- | Flotilla Staff Officer– (followed by specialty designation) |
FWPCA | Federal Water Pollution Control Act |
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G- | Staff Symbol identifying the CG & offices within DOT |
G-C | Commandant of the Coast Guard |
G-CCS | Chief of Staff of the Coast Guard |
G-CV | Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard |
G-0 | Assistant Commandant for Operations |
G-PCX | Chief, Office of Auxiliary/Chief Director, Auxiliary |
GIS | Global Information System |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time (See ZULU) (Also sometimes "GCT" "UT") |
GPO | Government Printing Office |
GS | General Service -- Federal employee pay level designation |
GSA | General Services Administration |
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HARPAT | Harbor Patrol (as a CGAUX function) Harbor Patrol Guide 2001 (HTML Format) Harbor Patrol Guide 2002 (WORD Format) |
HF | High Frequency (Radio - 3 to 30 mhz) |
HIN | Hull Identification Number |
HLS | HomeLand Security |
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I | Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Information & Communications Services |
ICOMIA | International Council of Marine Industry Associations |
ICS | Incident Command System |
IP | Immediate Past Office (except National Commodore) |
IQ | Initially Qualified Auxiliary Member |
IS | Information Services (CG Aux. SO specialty designation) |
ISC | Integrated Support Command |
IT | Instructor |
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JOOD | Junior Officer of the Deck/Day |
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L | Designates the Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Legal Affairs |
LCDR | Lieutenant Commander (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
LE | Law Enforcement |
LEPO | Law Enforcement Petty Officer |
LM | Life Member |
LM | CG Auxiliary Land Mobile Radio Station Facility |
LO | Liaison Officer |
LORSTA | Loran Station |
LT | Lieutenant (USCG, USN, USPHS) |
LTJG | Lieutenant (Junior Grade) (USCG, USN) |
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M | Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Marine Safety & Environmental Protection (Also MSEP) |
MA | Materials (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation) |
MARS | Military Affiliate Radio System |
MARSEC | Maritime Security (MARSEC 1 is the "New Normalcy") |
MCPO | Master Chief Petty Officer |
MCPOCG | Master Chief Petty Officer Of The Coast Guard |
MDA | Maritime Domain Awareness (also see OPR III) CGAUX MDA/OPR Mission |
MDV | Marine Dealer Visitor (Obsolete. Now "PV") (CG Aux. SO specialty designation) |
MEP | Marine Environmental Protections |
MF | Medium Frequency (300 to 3000 khz) |
MHLS | Maritime Homeland Security Strategy -- Three scalable Maritime Security postures for increased attention: MARSEC 1 New Normalcy; MARSEC 2-Heightened Risk; MARSEC 3-Incident Imminent |
MLB | Motor Lifeboat |
MLC | Maintenance and Logistics Command |
MI | Master Instructor |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MR | Member Resources (old name for Personnel Services) |
MS | Marine Safety (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation) |
MS | Member Services |
MSC | Marine Safety Council |
MSD | Marine Sanitation Device or Marine Safety Detachment |
MSEP | Marine Safety & Environmental Protection (Also "M") |
MSSEP | Marine Safety, Security & Environmental Protection |
MSI | Marine Safety Insignia (Trident Device) |
MST | Marine Science Technician (USCG PO Rating) |
MSO | Marine Safety Office |
MT | Member Training (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation) |
MTSA | Maritime Transportation Security Act |
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N-A | Administrative Officer, NACO staff |
N-AS | NACO Secretary |
N-D | NACO Aide |
N-S | Special Assignment, NACO staff |
N-P | Special Projects Officer, NACO staff |
NACO | National Commodore |
NACOS | National Auxiliary Chief of Staff |
NACON | National Auxiliary Conference |
NADCO | National Directorate Commodore (appointed) |
NAPDIC | National Association of Past District Commodores |
NAPM | National Area Planning Meeting |
NASBLA | National Association of State Boating Law Administrators |
NATL | National |
NAVCO | National Vice Commodore--- |
NBF | National Boating Federation |
NBSAC | National Boating Safety Advisory Council |
NBSS | National Boating Safety School |
NDRS | National Distress and Response System (Being replaced by "Rescue 21") |
NEXCOM | National Executive Committee |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
NIPCO | Immediate Past National Commodore |
NM | New Member |
NOAA | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration |
NOK | Next of Kin |
NOS | National Ocean Survey (NOAA-Dept. of Commerce) |
NRC | USCG National Response Center |
NSBC | National Safe Boating Council |
NSBW | National Safe Boating Week |
NSC | National Safety Council |
NTRAIN | National Training Conference |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
NWS | National Weather Service (NOAA - Dept. Of Commerce) |
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O | Designates Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Operations |
OBS | Office of Boating Safety (Coast Guard) |
OSC | Outboard Boating Club |
OCMI | Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection |
OCS | Officer Candidate School |
ODU | Operational Dress Uniform (Replacing Working Dress Blue) |
OIA | Order Issuing Authority |
OINC or OIC | Officer-in-Charge |
OMS | Operations and Marine Safety |
OOD | Officer of the Deck/Day |
OP | Operations (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation) |
OPM | Operations Policy Manual (CGAUX) |
OPFAC | Operational Facility |
OPORD | Operation Order |
OPR | Operation Patriot Readiness (now in Phase III. See Also: MDA) |
OPS | Operations, Operations Officer |
OS | Operations Specialist (CG Petty Officer Rating -- Merger of RD and TC) |
OWW | Operation Waterway Watch (Now "America's Waterway Watch") |
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P | Designates Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Personnel |
P | (before officer title acronym) Past Officer |
PA | Public Affairs (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation) |
PAO | Public Affairs Officer |
PATCOM | Patrol Commander |
PCO | Paddle Craft Operator |
PB | Publications (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation) |
PE | Public Education (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation) |
PEPIRB | Personal Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (Also see EPIRB) |
PFD | Personal Flotation Device |
PIW | People (Person) in Water |
PO | Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
POB | People on Board (Formerly SOB - Souls on Board) |
POC | Point of Contact |
POD | Past Officer Device |
POMS | Patrol Order Management System |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
PQS | Performance Qualification Standard |
PS | Personnel Services (Also Reserve Port Security Rate) |
PV | Program Visitor (Previously "MDV") (Staff Officer designator) |
PWC | Personal Water Craft |
PWCS | Ports, Waterways, and Coastal Security |
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QE | Qualification Examiner |
QEC | Qualification Examiner Coordinator (See ) |
QM | Quartermaster (CG PO Rate now Combined with BM) |
QMOW | Quartermaster of the Watch |
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R&D | Research and Development |
RADM | Rear Admiral (Upper Half) O-8 |
RBS | Recreational Boating Safety |
RBSVP | Recreational Boating Safety Visitation Program |
RCC | Rescue Coordination Center |
RDML | Rear Admiral (Lower Half) O-7 (Previously Commodore) |
REP | Representative |
RET | Retired |
REWK | REcertification required for failure to attend required WorKshop |
REYR | REcertification required for failure to meet Yearly Requirements |
RMS | Readiness Management System |
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SAMA | Standard Auxiliary Maintenance Allowance (for personal equipment used on ordered patrols) |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SBLA | State Boating Law Administrator |
SC | Specialty Course (One of six) |
SCA | Small Craft Advisory (a NASBLA periodical) |
SCPO | Senior Chief Petty Officer (USCG, USN) |
SK | Storekeeper (USCG Petty Officer Rate) |
SLO | State Liaison Officer |
SN | Seaman (USCG, USN) |
SO | Division Staff Officer |
SOPA | Senior Officer Present Afloat |
SR | Secretary/Records (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation) |
SR | Seaman Recruit (USCG, Navy) |
STAN Team | Standardization Team |
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T | Designates Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Training |
TAD | Temporary Assignment to Duty (or Temporary Assigned Duty) |
TARP | Targeted Augmenting and Recruiting Program |
TC | Telecommunications Specialist (Obsolete - Merged into OS rating) |
TCT | Team Coordination Training |
TONO | Travel Order Number |
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UDC | Uniform Distribution Center (Official CG source, purchase of Auxiliary uniforms) |
UNCLAS | Unclassified (immediately following BT after unclassified message header) |
USA | United States Army |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAFR | United States Air Force Reserve |
USA-NG | United States Army - National Guard |
USAR | United States Army Reserve |
USC | United States Code |
USCA | United States Code Annotated |
USCG | United States Coast Guard (also CG) |
USCGA | United States Coast Guard Academy |
USCGAUX | United States Coast Guard Auxiliary |
USCGR | United States Coast Guard Reserve |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USMCR | United States Marine Corps Reserve |
USN | United States Navy |
USNR | United States Navy Reserve |
USPHS | United States Public Health Service |
USPS | United States Power Squadrons |
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V | Designates Nat'l Aux. Dept. of Vessel Examination |
VADM | Vice Admiral (USCG, USN) |
VCDR | Division Vice Commander |
VE | Vessel Examiner (CG Auxiliary SO specialty designation) |
VE | Vessel Examination (See VSC) |
VFC | Flotilla Vice Commander |
VFR/IFR | Visual Flight Rules/Instrument Flight Rules |
VHF | Very High Frequency (30 to 300 mhz) |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions (See VFR) |
VSC | Vessel Safety Check (formerly CME: Courtesy Motorboat [Marine] Examination) |
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WAGB | Icebreaker Class Coast Guard Cutter |
WHEC | High Endurance Coast Guard Cutter |
WLB | Buoy Tender Class Coast Guard Cutter |
WMEC | Medium Endurance Cutter |
WMS | Waterway Management Security |
WPB | Patrol Boat Class Coast Guard Cutter |
WS | Watchstander |
WW | (See AWW) |
WWWDWOA? | what would we do without acronyms? |
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XO | Executive Officer |
XPO | Executive Petty Officer |
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YIC | You're in Command (CG/CGAUX Boating Safety Program) |
YN | Yeoman |
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ZKN | "I have taken over guard for ____________" (Used as Radio Log entry) |
ZKO | "I have handed over radio guard to __________" (Used as Radio Log entry) |
ZKP | "I am radio guard for __________" (Used as Radio Log entry) |
ZUI | "Your attention is invited to . . ." (Used in message header) |
ZYB | Designates an administrative message (Used in message header |
ZULU | Military designator for GMT Date-Time Group on Messages (also GMT/GCT/UT) |
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