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Welcome to the Flotilla 7-2, District 7 Web Site

Welcome to Flotilla 72 St. Petersburg, Florida - Semper Paratus!


Welcome to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary: Flotilla 72, St. Petersburg, FL.  Flotilla 72 is a part of Team Coast Guard.

Team Coast Guard consists of active duty, reserves, Auxiliary and civilians. The Auxiliary is the uniformed, volunteer, part of Team Coast Guard. Auxiliarists may take part in all U.S. Coast Guard missions except for direct law enforcement and direct military missions.

We are volunteers who dedicate our time and resources to help the Coast Guard achieve its missions, ranging from emergency response to environmental protection to public education. The Auxiliary is primarily tasked with recreational boating safety, but you will find Auxiliary members working side by side our active duty and civilian counterparts to as a force multiplier.

Flotilla 72 is fortunate to have a strong working relationship with several area partners including Station St Petersburg, FWC, and other agencies and businesses who seek to educate the general public about boating safety and environmental protection.

We invite you to learn more about us by browsing our website, take an educational class that we offer, or attend a monthly meeting to see how you can make a difference in our communities.