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Welcome to the Flotilla 6-7, District 7 Web Site

We welcome you to explore our site and find out more about us!

Who We Are U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Crew on Rescue Patrol

Since 1939, the men and women of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary have volunteered millions of hours in support of the U.S. Coast Guard and the recreational boating public. We are the uniformed civilian volunteer arm of the Coast Guard.

Our Missions

Recreational Boating Safety - consisting of our many boating safety classes, distributing boating safety information to the public, providing free vessel safety checks, and doing safety patrols on land, water and in the air. Support of Maritime Homeland Security and other maritime safety challenges that have emerged in recent years.

We are committed to excellence in Operations and Marine Safety.

Flotilla 67 sets the standard for operational activities. Patrolling is the basis for major activities in the operations cornerstone of the Auxiliary and has been since the Coast Guard Auxiliary was founded in 1939. Activities include SAR call outs, aids to navigation patrols, chart updating patrols, port security patrols, pollution patrols and disaster patrols.

AuxiliaristWe are committed to Boating Safety Education.

Our team of skilled instructors specialize in the About Boating Safely program. We offer monthly sessions of the About Boating Safely program. We also offer quarterly sessions of Navegando America for our Spanish speaking audience. Navegando America is the Spanish version of the About Boating Safely program.






For further information on joining our team, please contact:

Flotilla Commander [email protected]

Flotilla Vice Commander [email protected]