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Vessel Safety Checks

Make Safety On The Water A Priority!

Schedule Your Free Vessel Safety Check Today.

USCG Boating Safety App Image     2025 VSC Decal Image

The US Coast Guard Auxiliary and US Power Squadron - America's Boating Club (a non profit boating education and social organization) both provide courtesy Vessel Safety Checks. Together, we are dedicated to making boating safer and therefore, more enjoyable for everyone on the water. Your Vessel Safety Check is conducted by our trained, certified, experienced and knowledgeable Vessel Examiners, whom may also be your fellow boaters. The Vessel Examiner checks your boat to ensure it complies with all State and Federal boating laws. This is not a law enforcement action and citations are not issued.

Our Goal Is Accident Prevention. We will provide you with educational material, answer your boating related questions, identify potential problems and offer suggestions to help improve your vessel, crew and passenger safety. This offers peace of mind and confidence that your boat is safe.

Once your boat passes the vessel safety check, you will receive a decal to display on your boat. This decal informs the Coast Guard, Harbor Patrol and other law enforcement, that your boat is in full compliance with Federal and State legal minimum requirements for safety and shows law enforcement your commitment to safe boating.

Click anywhere on the image below for Some Important Boating Safety Tips from the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA)

VSC Boating Safety Operation Dry Water

Take Advantage Of This FREE Service Annually!
Contact Us Today! We'll arrange to inspect your boat at your dock, home or other mutually agreed upon location. Schedule Your Vessel Safety Check Here:  I WANT A VSC

 Ten Ways To Become Better Informed, Equipped
 And Prepared On The Water

 1. Wear Your Life Jacket. Help Save Lives

 2. Get a FREE Vessel Safety Check Annually. Even Experienced Boaters Need A VSC!

 3. Take a Boating Safety Course. Find A Class Near You

 4. Boat Sober. Boating Under The Influence

 5. Have a VHF Radio, with DSC and have an EPIRB. Register both.

 6. Have a Pre-Departure Checklist and File a Float Plan

 7. Everyone On Board be aware of surroundings at all times and look out for each other.

 8. Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. Learn How

 9. Prevent Dehydration and Hypothermia. Cold Water Hazards and Safety

10. Get Familiar with the Free U.S. Coast Guard Boating Safety Mobile App

"It's better to know a knot and not need it, than to need a knot and not know it." Here is a link where you may learn how to tie some important knots: Animated Knots, by Grog

Electric Shock Drowning Safety Tips From NFPA
- The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) provides important safety information regarding marina and boating electrical hazards and carbon monoxide (CO), as well as safety regarding electrical hazard of pools, spas, and hot tubs.

Maritime Safety Information - Navigation Center (NAVCEN) United States Coast Guard, U.S. Department of Homeland Security information and links to Broadcast Notices to Mariners, Local Notices to Mariners, Light Lists, Automatic Identification System (AIS), Maritime Telecomms, Navigation Rules, Bridge Notices, Vessel Traffic Services, International Ice Patrol, Navigation Systems and Services, and more.

U.S. VHF Channel Frequencies and Channel Information - U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Navigation Center (NAVCEN) full list of marine vhf channel names and channel information on the NAVCEN website.

Safe Afloat - Safety videos provided by the U.S. Coast Guard's Boating Safety Division (CG-BSX-2) dedicated to reducing loss of life, injuries, and property damage that occur on U.S. waterways by improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of recreational boaters.

Boating Safety Tips - Important information from the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) for a safe and fun boating experience.

Paddlecraft Safety Information - Schedule a free Vessel Safety Check for your paddlecraft too! The US Coast Guard would like to see All Vessels in compliance with equipment carriage requirements and safely operated. Paddle Safely And Responsibly. The following is a link for a brochure guide to safer paddling: Be Smart, Be Safe, Have Fun.

Rental Boat Safety - This is a link to a resource for rental boat customers, as well as for boat rental agencies to learn more about rental boat safety.

Boating Safety Alerts Circulars - This includes periodically published notices by the U.S. Coast Guard. These important Circulars contain valuable information on safety topics, advisories about newly identified boating hazards, information on boat defects and recalls, rules and regulations for recreational boats, and other news and information of interest to the boating community, including information on established or proposed regulations and standards.

Do you have questions about Inflatable Life Jackets?  Watch the video below, for some helpful information about Inflatable Life Jackets from the USCG Wear It Campaign: Watch the video below for How To Select and Properly Fit Children's Life Jackets, from WSF Boating & Paddling Safety:
Click on the Life Jacket image below for important information regarding Life Jackets from the Wear It program of the National Safe Boating Council:                          

Wear It Program Nat'l Safe Boating CouncilNever Bow Ride Photo by TJ Bendicksen

Here are some links to additional resources of information that are important to boating safely and responsibly: