Local Companies and Organizations committed to boating safety
Recreational Boating Safety Visitation Program
"Shared Leadership for Saving Lives"
"We firmly believe that by educating the business establishments in the recreational boating safety community, we are leveraging our contact with the recreational boater. A knowledgeable program partner literally multiplies our contact and with the with an impact on our ultimate customers, the recreational boater."
Warren McAdams, National USCGAUX Commodore for RBS
Our Flotilla members work closely with every segment of our community to promote safe recreational boating. Our community partners who serve the boating public work with the Auxiliary to emphasize the importance of boating safety and are committed to communicating that message.
We have special relationships with marinas and marine vendors to align information sharing that reaches the community. These partners include -
The businesses in our community that provide beach, boating and fishing services to the public are key partners for promoting safe on-the-water activities. Locals, and especially tourists, patronize these businesses daily, making each a major resource for information. These partners include –
Our members support public services that share boating safety information. These include -