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Information for Boaters

New Fire Extinguisher Rules

Boating page fire extinger


On April 22, 2022 new fire extinguisher rules for boats went into effect. Click the links below for more information.

New Rules for Boaters 

Frequently Asked Questions! 

Vessel Safety Checks

Boating page VE DecalDoes your boat or kayak have all the safety equipment it should have? Are you in compliance with all state rules and regulations? Click here for information on how to schedule a Vessel Safety Check for your boat. 


Hurricane Plan for your Boat

Hurricane ImageThe forecast is for an active hurricane season.  Have you considered everything you need to do to secure and protect your boat?  Check out this great planning tool from BOATUS!

                              Hurricane Planning Tool

Engine Cutoff Switch (ECOS) Information You Need to Know!

Engine CutoffSwitchIf your powerboat has an engine cutoff switch (ECOS) use it!  If your powerboat is a 2020 model or newer new federal laws are in effect that pertain to ECOS equipment and usage.  Click this link for more information.

New Engine Cutoff Regulations

So You Have a Marine VHF Radio...

Marine radio

So you have a marine VHF radio.  Do you know the proper way to use it?   For a straightforward radio procedures "How To" Guide click here.  Download it to your cellphone so you always have it with you!

Is your marine radio Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) capable? MMSI allows you to push one button on your radio and transmit your exact GPS position in an emergency. If your radio has the MMSI feature have you registered your radio and acquired an MMSI number? BOATUS is authorized by the U.S. Coast Guard as one source to issue MMSI numbers. Click here to access their registration website.