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How to Join Flotilla 10-5

Sat, 01 Jul 23  


Auxilarists line handling



Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at Coast Guard Station Oak Island and start at

Flotilla Staff Officer for Human Resources, at 603-493-6984 or by email at [email protected]

Potential new members are encouraged to attend and are always welcome. If you would like to attend, or if you want more information about the Auxiliary, please contact Harry McClard

As a member of the Flotilla, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Promote recreational boating safety by conducting on-the-water safety patrols.
  • Teach boating safety classes. 
  • Performing vessel safety checks and many other activities.  
  • Serve in several areas of operational and administrative support.
  • Radio watch standing
  • Environmental protection and marine safety

 You can also directly support the Coast Guard by becoming qualified to:

  • The Auxiliary and Coast Guard provide advanced training to Flotilla members free of charge.  
  • You can devote as much or as little time as you want to Auxiliary activities – there are no minimum service hours.  
  • Flotilla members increase their skills, enrich their experiences, and enjoy fun and fellowship while providing valuable services to their community and country.  


New Member Test and Resources


After downloading and reading the reference guide, you can complete the final exam by clicking the “New Member Exam” link and completing the interactive exam, please run the exam, print out the score sheet, then sign, date, and turn it in to the FSO-HR with your application.