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Welcome to the Flotilla 6-6, District 5SR Web Site

Welcome to Flotilla 66's Webpage!

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 66, established April 1951, is chartered and meets at US Coast Guard Station Milford Haven in Mathews Virginia on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Within the Auxiliary structure, the Flotilla is in “Peninsula” Division 6, of the 5th District, Southern Region (5SR).



The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed, all-volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard. The Auxiliary was created by an Act of Congress in 1939 and has grown to over 26,000 members who daily support the Coast Guard in all its non-military, and non-law-enforcement missions. We have members and units in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam. Globally, the USCG Auxiliary contribute to the over 4.5 million volunteer hours per year and complete nearly 500,000 missions – a true force multiplier for the Coast Guard!

Flotilla 66 is more than recreational boating safety, we regularly serve alongside and partner with our active-duty shipmates serving as communications watchstanders at the unit, uninspected passenger vessel inspectors, training resources for air and sea operations, numerous duties related to environmental protection and homeland security, and even as chefs! In fact, we have a member of our Flotilla who is a crewmember certified to serve on Coast Guard small rescue boats.

In 2024 Flotilla 66 completed over 900 underway hours while on over 91 patrol missions, 8 Boating Safety Classes, 36 program visits, 67 hours underway on active-duty vessels acting as crew and undertook 13 Search and Rescue missions. We also performed 161 vessel safety checks throughout Mathews, Middlesex and Lancaster Counties and provided 475 hours of watch standing at Station Milford Haven. Many of our patrol hours were working side by side with active-duty members assisting in training patrols, achieving qualifications and maintaining currencies.

Flotilla 66 also has a working relationship with ANT Milford Haven providing qualified aids to navigation verifiers to take on the role of inspection of private aids to navigation. The team was trained and given access to the Aids to Navigation data base where the members could enter the inspection data directly into the program thus alleviating the unit from the detailed and time consuming entry process. In 2022 and 2023, a total of 2,100 Class I and Class III PATONS were verified out of 2,311, equating to 2 straight years over 95% verification. In these two years, a total of 3,601 PATONS were verified.

We pride ourselves on being a very productive and active flotilla and would be honored to have you join us as a new member.






