Honors and Awards
National Auxiliarist of the Year
2014- R. Anderson Braswell (Honorable Mention)
Division Auxiliarist of the Year
2016- Henry Troutner |
2014- R. Anderson Braswell | 2013- Peter Faleski |
2013- Marlies Urban | 2011- Michelle Thornton |
2008- Michelle Thornton (District 7) |
Flotilla Auxiliarist of the Year
2016- Henry Troutner
2015- Chuck Mullen Sr.
2014- R. Anderson Braswell
2013- Peter Faleski
2012- John Curry
2011- Al Coke
2010- Anne Coke
Operational Auxiliarists (AUXOP)
- R. Anderson Braswell
- Al Coke
- Anne Coke
- National Flotilla of the Year
- National Commodore's 3 Star Award for Diversity
- National Commodore's Member Training Award- Century Club
- National Public Affairs Video of the Year
- District 5 South Flotilla of the Year
- District Search-and-Rescue- 1st Place
- District Search-and-Rescue- 2nd Place
- Division Auxiliarist of the Year
- Operational Auxiliarist Qualification
- Annual Service Performance Award
- Operational Service Award
- Public Education Service Award
- Vessel Examinations Service Award
- Sustained Service Award
- Sustained Membership Award
- Coast Guard Unit Commendation