Free Vessel Safety Checks

At your request a qualified Coast Guard Auxiliary Vessel Examiner can conduct a free Vessel Safety Check (VSC) on your vessel. VSC’s may also be preformed on paddle craft boats--canoe, kayak, rowboat. We check for proper safety and emergency equipment as required by State and Federal law. The Vessel Examiner will also review other safety equipment and information recommended by the U.S. Coast Guard. Upon completion of your VSC, the Vessel Examiner will provide you with a copy of the examination and a USCG VSC decal if your vessel or paddle craft passes.
The results of your examination are not reported for law enforcement purposes and no citation is issued if you are missing required equipment. A citation may be issued by the Coast Guard or other law enforcement agencies if the discrepancy is not corrected prior to going underway. A Vessel Safety Check is strictly a courtesy inspection of your safety and emergency equipment and to discuss recommendations from the U.S. Coast Guard. For Federal and State boating safety equipment and other information please visit the links below.
Federal Requirements
State Requirements
USCG Aux Vessel Safety Check Website
Virtual Vessel Safety Check
Schedule a Vessel Safety Check:
Visit the Schedule a VSC website.