Welcome to the Flotilla 5-1, District 5SR Web Site
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Join the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary // Boating Safety Information
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 05-01 Virginia Beach, Sector Virginia, 5th Coast Guard District Southern Region. Our Area of Responsibility is First Landing, Oceanfront and the South Beach area of Virginia Beach. Our active mission areas are surface (boat) operations, communications, marine safety & environmental protection, public education, and recreational boating safety. We also actively work with and support Coast Guard Station Portsmouth and Coast Guard Sector Virginia.
Virginia Beach is a high activity area for recreational boating and 05-01 answers the call as one of the most active flotillas in Division 5. Our support of Coast Guard operations truly spans across the Hampton Roads area. We follow the Coast Guard motto Semper Paratus and remain "Always Ready" to answer the call and serve Virginia Beach.
Flotilla 5-1 meets the fourth Wednesday of every month at 1900 (7:00 PM) via MS Teams. November meetings are third Wednesday due to Thanksgiving. December meetings are cancelled due to Holiday Season. Uniform of the day is Tropical Blue Long or Operational Uniform (ODU). Public and guests are always welcome to attend. If you are interested in joining Coast Guard Auxiliary please feel free to attend and learn more.
Auxiliary and CDC Guidelines may effect scheduled Person to Person Meetings.
Flotilla Commander |
Vice Flotilla Commander |
Richard D. Dunnington |
Theresa L. Betancourt |
Underway at Norfolk Harborfest 2019 with DirAux CDR Eric May onboard.