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Vessel Exams

Picture of a Vessel Safety Exam Decal     Vessel Safety Check Program

At your request, we can perform a free Boat Safety Equipment Examination. This is an audit of safety equipment on your boat. Only you are told of the results. Our equipment list is usually above and beyond what is required by most state boating laws. If your boat passes the exam, you get a decal you can put on your boat. Our examiners will advise you about important safety equipment which will allow you to boat with confidence.

Contact a Vessel Examiner from one of our flotillas listed below to schedule your free boat safety check. Be sure to include your name, phone number, and the best time to contact you in your e-mail message.

Additional Safety Equipment Information

Image of list bulletVessel Safety Check Required Equipment List

Image of list bullet VA State Law Marine Safety Equipment Regulations

Image of list bullet Coast Guard Pamphlet on Registering your DSC Radio - VERY IMPORTANT!

Perform a "Virtual Vessel Exam" before requesting a real one by going to the:

Click on one of the links below to go to the vessel exam page of the flotilla nearest you:

Image of list bullet Flotilla 51 Virginia Beach (Oceanfront)

Image of list bullet Flotilla 57 Virginia Beach (Lynnhaven)

Image of list bullet Flotilla 58 Portsmouth

Image of list bullet Flotilla 59 Smithfield