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Welcome to the Flotilla 18-4, District 5NR Web Site

Welcome to the Flotilla 18-4, District 5NR Web Site

Welcome Aboard!

Welcome to the Home Page of Gloucester Township's Flotilla, a unit of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.  

Flotilla 18-04 meets the second Monday of each month at 18:30-1900 for "Meet and Greet" and 1900 hrs meeting starts (7:00 PM local time) at the Gloucester Twp Senior Center:

1261 Chews Landing Rd, Blackwood, NJ.  

Visitors are welcome at all our meetings, you don’t have to be a member to attend but you have to be at least 17 and a US Citizen to join.

Please browse our page to see more about what we do.  If you have any questions or wish to join our crew please feel free to reach out to us!

 -Semper Paratus! 


About Our Mission:

The Coast Guard Auxiliary was established by Congress in 1939 and is a vital part of the Coast Guard, contributing over 2 million hours a year to Coast Guard Missions.  

These missions include sea and air patrols for Safety, Security, Pollution and Response, and integrated participation for mass casualty and other disasters. Our mission also includes Recreational Boating Safety with classroom education programs, as well as free vessel safety exams and workshops.  

We offer training  to accomplish all the above, and our training and qualifications in many cases equals that of active duty Coast Guard members. In fact, members are eligible to attend some of the same training that regular Coast Guard receives at government expense.