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The Vessel Safety Check Program

 Vessel Safety Checks are generally performed on recreational boats under 65 feet. Vessel Safety Check (VSC) requirements parallel federal and individual state regulations regarding equipment and safety conditions of the vessel. A VSC is not a law enforcement action. No official report is made to any law enforcement authority. A vessel Safety Check is performed only with the consent of the owner or operator, who must be present at the time of the examination. A Vessel Safety Check does not circumvent the right of any federal, state, or local law enforcement officer to verify the presence and condition of safety equipment.

The VSC program helps to achieve voluntary compliance with federal and state recreational boating safety laws, particularily regarding the carriage of safety equipment. It also raises the awareness of safety issues through one-on-one contact with volunteer vessel examiners.

The mission of the Coast Guard Recreational Boating Safety program is to minimize the loss of life, personal injury, property damage and environmental impact associated with the use of recreational boats, through preventative means in order to maximize safe use and enjoyment of U.S. waterways by the public. The Vessel Safety Check program fully supports this mission.

We will meet you at your boat.  Send us an email and an Auxiliarist will contact you to make an appointment.  Please include a phone number with the best time to contact you and the town or marina in which your boat is located.

Contact : Jeff Wright at 631 774 8847 or [email protected] to schedule your vessel check

If you want to have a VSC performed on your vessel, please  click here.

If you want more information and to take a "Virtual Vessel Safety Check", please click here.


 VSC Logo